Pidge X Reader

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Just because I actually thought that Pidge was a boy until my brother told me he was a she...
You may make a resemblance to SAO in this! That is because I sort of used some of the script from the TV show to write this because I liked that scene.
So that is my work cited, not that you care, now, low and behold the lamest one shot I have written in 2017!


"So... What's the plan now?" Lance asked after he finished eating.
"We have to get back to the Balmera and save Shay and her people." Hunk quickly said.
"Wow! You are really hung up on this lady." Lance began.
"No. It's not like that. Look guys, when you see how Zarkon, has treated these people and destroyed their home... They've been out of sun for so long they don't even know what it is to be free. It's up to us to set this right. This is what being a Paladin of Voltron is all about." Hunk exclaimed, "It's time to man up!"
Pidge looked down, seemingly hurt and you tilted your head at him.
"Then let's get moving. Time to go defend the universe."
"Pidge? Is everything..."
"Wait." Pidge stood, turning to face everyone as they turned back to her.
"I have something to say first. I need to come clean, and I'm afraid this may change the way you all think about me." You blinked, utterly confused as to what Pidge had to say,
"Just so there are no secrets between us anymore... I can't 'man up'. I'm a girl."
You froze, completely petrified at his... No... Her words. Pidge, was a girl?
"I-I mean, I can man up because that's just a figure of speech, I don't have to actually be a man to 'man up'. I just have to be tough. But what I'm saying-"
"WHAT?! Your a girl?!" Lance screeched, "HOW?!"
"I've known for some time." Allura began, "But I'm glad you shared it with everyone."
"Yeah I figured." Hunk smirked,
"Oh yeah me too." Keith added.
"Wait, we were supposed to think of you as a boy?"
"I can't believe it..." You began.
"It's not fair..." You slowly looked from her down, your mind swirling.
"Y/N wait!"
You turned, and ran. That's all you could do. You let the others watch in confusion - but you didn't care about them. Locking the door to your room you crumbled to the ground, leaning by your bed, a sob emitting your throat and you couldn't stop yourself from crying this time.
"Y/N... It's me." Pidge began from the other side of the door.
"Go away!" You screamed at it, at him.
No. Her. Her.
How could I have done this to myself? How could I have been so stupid?! You yelled at yourself
"Leave me alone!" You began, your voice cracking.
"I want to know what's wrong, Y/N... If your mad I didn't tell you sooner, and lied to you, I'm sorry." There was a pause and you silently listened, "It's just... I didn't have a choice."
"Your wrong! That's not why!" You tried your best to keep your voice under control, but it only made it worse as you hid your face back in your arms.
You took a deep breath, knowing you couldn't hide forever. She did this to you anyways, she's a genius couldn't she tell you were flirting with her?!
You slowly stood, going for the door and hesitated slightly, gulping before throwing the door open.
"I!" You began, trying to find the best words, "I... I betrayed the feelings I had! I betrayed the love I felt... For you...
"When I met the male Pidge I thought finally, I had that special someone that every girl waits for!"
"Y-you mean love? But we're best friends... Right?"
"No... No we're not! You think we can be best friends after what you did to me back when you weren't pretending to be someone else?!"
You swallowed and took some deep breaths, trying to compose yourself as Pidge stood uselessly with wide eyes.
"You know... I was so happy when you showed up to the school... Katie, who looked just like you had avoided me so much after her father and brother were claimed dead. But if this is how it is... Then I wish you kept your real self and kept on being a jerk to me!" You sobbed, "If you had... I wouldn't have realized how I really felt about you. I wouldn't be sad and jealous of that supposed girlfriend you had, and I wouldn't have tried forgetting about my old best friend and falling in love with Pidge instead!!" You screamed out the last part, your anger and sadness mixed quickly together making your chest burn - and it wasn't stopping.
Pidge frowned, looking down with such a sad look in her eyes it mad you shocked.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled.
You stared wide eyed, taking in slow shaking breaths of air, but you remembered why she was looking so sad - you felt that burn in your chest again and you hung your head.
"Leave me alone." You whispered, knowing she could hear, before slamming the door in her face.
You stumbled back over to your bed, rolling onto it you clutched the pillow close and hid your face as you let yourself cry away the pain. Pidge was a girl. Pidge was Katie, the girl you used to do everything with and then the one who pushed you away and left you all alone.
The Pidge you love will never love you back.


You watched as they all fought against the monster planted on Balmara, how the world began to crumbled. You went with Allura down to the planet to help evacuate the citizens, but during that the planet began to lose its life completely, and half way through the evacuation rocks slid down the side and blocked your path way out.
Some were injured from the earth quake, you one of them.
You screamed as you had pushed a child aside, a rock landed hard on your ankle, and you could tell it was broken.
You clenched your teeth and hissed at the pain, trying to to relax. You could be saved, you would be saved. Right?
They wouldn't leave me? You thought worriedly, Was I not focusing enough because of what happened between Pidge and I?
Ugh! No! Focus!
"Allura! I need help! There are injured-!"
"Could you take care of them for now, Y/N? I have a plan to help the planet!"
"I-I can't! Ow!"
"Y/N?! What's wrong?" Pidge's voice came through the comp and you clenched your teeth.
"Focus on your fight you idiot!" You retorted, huffing, "I'm one of those injured! Please! Hurry!"
"I'm on it!"
The Balmura child sat with you as we waited, telling you some fairy tails she learned from her mother.
You suppose it was relaxing, because by the time a robotic lion came into view, the colour was too blurred for you to make out and you fell asleep.


You grumbled, opening your eyes. You were in someone's arms, and as you finally came back to your senses, you noticed it was Pidge holding you up. You gasped and tried to get back, though you only fell back again.
"Whoa! Easy! You may be mostly healed but you should still keep off your ankle." Pidge reached out and helped you back to your feet, placing your arm over her shoulders and her other arm over your back for extra support.
"I'll help you to a seat."
"P-Pidge, I... I um.." I looked down from her sad smile, feeling like crying again.
"Hey. I am sorry... But, could we still be best friends? Everything I did, well, I'm better now, you know? So please, Y/N..." Pidge leant over and kissed your cheek, making your cheeks go red with heat.
"Pidge, I'm sorry too!" You quickly used your good leg to move and throw your other arm around her, hugging her as few final tears fell, "I was scared, and it hurt so bad!"
"I know." Pidge tucked her mouth into your shoulder and hugged you back, you just noticing the others were there as well as Lance cooed like his usual idiotic self.
"Friends?" You sniffed.
"Best friends."

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