Shinsou Hitoshi X Reader

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"Are you sure about this?"
"You're the one who asked for my help!" Uraraka huffed, shoving you around the corner to where Shinso was standing.
You swallowed hard and took a deep breath, gathering your fifty seconds of courage and fast walking towards him.
"Shinso-San!" You called out, the boy slowly turned around and you couldn't stop the light blush on your face, "I-I just wanted to say you were great out there today! For a second, I really thought you'd beat Midiyora-San!"
"Oh... Really? What's your name?"
"Uh, L-L/N F/N! I really think you'd be a great hero, Shinso-San, I hope you move up to the hero class one day with me!" You bowed before running off, Uraraka jumping in glee with you around the corner out of sight.
You laughed sheepishly, feeling a sweat break out from nervousness, but quickly turned to sighing heavily as Uraraka walked off with you, planing yours and Shinso's future together.


The next time you met was a week or so later, when you bumped into him in the halls.
"Oh hey, your that girl from the other day."
"Y-yeah! Hello again, Shinso-San!"
"Hello." He narrowed his eyes and you wondered if everything was alright.
"Shinso-San? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"I can't wash you."
"My quirk- it doesn't work on you."
"Your brain washing quirk? Oh, yeah it won't."
He blinked, standing up a little straighter, "How so?"
"It's my shield. My quirk is force fields. Here, try to touch me."
He blinked and rose his hand, moving it slowly towards you, his hand hit your shield. His eyes widened and he banged on it lightly, "This blocks quirks?"
You nodded and grinned, "Yeah, but only mental ones. Physical ones can take a lot more work." You explained, before you blinked in realization.
"Wait, Shinso-San, why did you try to brain wash me?"
He tensed, his cheeks going bright pink against his pale skin, "I just... I wanted the truth."
"No one from class 1-A has even come near to speaking with me, so I wanted you to tell me if you were dared to speak to me or not." He mumbled out.
Your mouth hung open and you stepped forward towards the boy who was hiding his face from you. You tugged on his shirt sleeve and he turned back to you hesitantly with a confused expression.
"Everything I said to you was honestly from me. I did it with some help with a friend because... Well... I was really interested in you after the battle."
He turned completely towards you, remaining silent and you huffed.
"I just- I like you okay. I wanna be friends."
Shinso chuckled and you glared up at him, his smile was dashing in a way, and you didn't understand how he was the one out of everyone that you'd fall for.
"Just friends?" He mused.
"Don't tease me, Shinso-San."
"Sorry,Y/N." Shinso rose his hand, but it was cut off by the shield. He gasped lightly and frowned.
"Oh, here. I'll let you in." You closed my eyes and took a breath, opening them you nodded and his hand moved through the space it would have stopped at. The male smiled lightly and rested his hand on my head.
"Let's eat lunch together more often, Y/N." You grinned and put your hands over his.


"Y/N! Are you with Shinso-San now?"
"E-eh? No! We're just friends."
"You guys don't look like 'just friends'."
"Come on Y/N-San it's okay... But... I don't know why you'd go for him."
"He's really nice!" You defended.
"Yeah but he looks so creepy."
"What's his quirk again?"
"Shinso is-"
"Why are you going for him again?"
"He's only in the department class too. Lame."
"Hey-" You clenched your teeth as your classmates went on talking shit about Shinso. You stood, most of them quieted but some still murmured. You took your things and left the classroom, it was after school and Shinso might still be around.
As you left the room, you stopped short at Shinso, standing outside the door with his head leaned back against the wall, listening to every word with sad and darkened eyes.
"Hitoshi-kun." You breathed out, he turned his eyes slowly to me, before turning and walking off.
"Hitoshi! Hitoshi-kun wait!" You scurried after him, keeping up a fast walk to stay beside him as he left the school.
"Hitoshi-kun, I wasn't a part of the conversation, I was trying to defend you, but-" You cut yourself off as Hitoshi only seemed to walk faster.
You huffed and tried to keep up as we exited the school, but you just felt hopeless. Hitoshi had told you of his middle school bullies, how they all whispered at his presence and called him a villain.
"Hitoshi!" You yelled as he kept going, your voice cracked and he finally stopped.
You had told him as well, of how you couldn't control your quirk and you had to watch everyone walk away from you because they couldn't get physically close to you.
"I'm sorry." You said shakily, "Please don't leave me behind."
He turned around with a sigh, his eyes looked sad, as if he was about to cry himself.
"I won't leave you,Y/N." Hitoshi stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you, "I like you."
"I like you too!" You replied, holding him tightly in return.
"You really don't think... That I'm scary?"
You shook my head against his chest, "Of course I don't! Baka! I think you're handsome... And, and your my hero!" You yelled out, hoping he could still hear you as your voice was muffled by his shirt, but your face was so red there was no way you were looking at him.
He would definitely laugh.
He chuckled, as if he already knew, "And I think your beautiful..." He trailed off as we slowly pulled apart, looking into each other's eyes.
Out of everyone, the little crush you had on Bakugo at the beginning of the year, Shoutou who you paired with and worked exceptionally well together with - Midoriya, who was the sweetest little thing... The only one you could look at and say you loved, was Hitoshi.
The one they called a Villain, will someday surpass them all.
Your lips met slowly but passionately. You held each other tight and let the sun warm you as shivers ran down your spine from the feeling of his lips on yours.
And he was all you ever needed.

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