Levi X Mute!Reader

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"They say that when the silent killer screams, she'll crack the windows around her and scare away the Titans!" Hange rambled on.
You looked at her out of the corner of your eye. What bullshit. Sure you don't speak, but you still show emotion. People are able to read what you want and what you're saying and if not you carry around a piece of paper.
You stopped speaking along time ago, when your father was eaten by the Titans. You snuck in a wagon because you wanted to see outside the walls, but instead you got your father killed because you spoke up. If you had stayed quiet, then your father might have been able to kill the Titan and come back alive, but he was too busy worrying about you.
So that moment, when you went to scream, no sound came. When you learned to fight, no grunts were heard. And you didn't even try to speak.
Eventually, you earned the name 'the Silent Killer' and rumours spread like disease.
"Come on Y/N! What do you think?" Hange asked, a light blush on her face as she smiled like a maniac.
Others tried getting you to speak when they first met you, but eventually they accepted it was never going to happen and talked to you like you really could speak. One simple glance from you and they knew what you were thinking.
You glared at Hange, telling her you thought it was complete crap that anyone would think that.
She pouted, understanding, "I can't wait for the day when it happens! Say, what would make you scream, Y/N?"
You rose a brow at her, telling her that you thought that question was kind of stupid.
"Hange? Don't force her to speak!"
"Even if she tried no sound would come." You looked behind yourself to see the Commander, Erwin.
"Hello, Y/N." He nodded to you and you nodded in return.
"Oi, Commander! You've heard her speak haven't you?"
"Well, what made her shut up?"
"That's for her to share."
"What?! That'll never happen!" You smirked at them, agreeing. You could speak you were sure, you've just never tried.
"What do you think your doing brat?!" Levi's angry voice filled the mess hall and you turned to see him with a darker aura then usual.
"I-uh, I'm so sorry sir!" You looked to the boy, the Titan boy you're pretty sure, with tea all over him.
Levi must be dirty too.
You slowly got up and walked over, everyone moving out of your way,
you looked at Eren.
"Uh- hey, Y/N." He began, fear in his eyes. You nodded your hello.
"Y/N!" I looked at Levi, a small splotch of tea on his white shirt.
Words suddenly filled your mind and clawed at your throat to climb out.
Your mouth popped open, as if to let those words out. The whole hall froze, and you clenched your fists as the words were to afraid to speak.
"Get this thing out of my site!"
You nodded your head, saluting quickly you took Eren and dragged him away.
"I thought that you were... Surely going to speak!"
You narrowed my eyes.
I will speak... Maybe not to you Eren, or Hange, but I have to speak to him. You thought.

Levi Ackerman

"Levi!" Hange sang.
"What do you want, shitty glasses?"
"Well, don't you think that Y/N was going to speak to you back there?"
"Her? Speak? No."
"Not just speak, but speak to you! She's never even attempted to speak with any of us, but when your there she always seems like she's about to! She's been getting closer and closer every time! I can feel it!"
"Tch. Whatever."


Eren got his new shirt, and made conversation with you as we walked back to the mess hall, training soon to begin.
"Say, can you laugh Y/N?"
You looked at him. It would take a lot to make you laugh.
"It would probably take something real funny, since you can't even grunt."
You sighed, maybe becoming so obvious to people is a bad thing.

You had an expedition in a few days, and so for now, you train. Extra.
Hand to hand combat was first, when ever sparing would happen a lot of men would come up to you, spar and try to make you spout out a sound.
"Hey Y/N! Come on let's spar! Im going to force the sound out of you."
You smirked, saying good luck.
"Begin!" Levi yelled, and you ran as fast as you could towards Jean.
Your agility was good, but not as good as Levi's. You new all your strength and weaknesses especially in a fight like this.
Jean will be easy to beat with his stupid cocky attitude.
You bent down as you neared him, jumping back up with an upper cut to his chin. He cried out as he stumbled back, holding his face. you threw out a kick, but he dodged and rammed his fist into your stomach.
You keeled over, your mouth opening, but no sound. You clenched your teeth looked back up at him from below with an intense glare.
Die, horse face.
Silently, you sprung up and threw the hardest kick you could. It smashed right through his block and sent him stumbling to the side, with that you easily tripped him onto his back.
"Well done Y/N!" Jerad smiled at you. He knew your father and was like a big brother to you, he always did his best to be that father that you lost.
You smiled genuinely back at him and he ruffles your hair. Sometimes around him, everything felt normal.

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