Masrur X Reader

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You took a deep breath as you looked out at the sea.
Coming to Sindria was a dream of yours, after being dragged out of your childhood home, and brought around the world, you finally got to come to Sindria.
Sure your father and mother couldn't be here with you like they usually were, but I suppose Sindria wasn't on the list of adventures when your parents were young and so terribly in love.
All your life, every new adventure that came around you'd bring up the same story in your head on your way there.
How you would meet up with a strong handsome man and finally fall in love. You believed this would bring closure to your life and then you could settle down and live the rest of your life with said love of your life and a family.
You hung your head and groaned, the wind from the sea air making your hair fly to the side, "But that's never happened! Not even once! Only the drunk bozos have ever looked twice at me!" You wailed.


You were overjoyed at the fact that there was an apparent festival coming up. The villages were buzzing about it, and as you skipped around shopping for things that you may bring back home - unless you meet your true love.
You twirled around at the thought of him and giggled.
Though when you twirled, you managed to come right into a tall mans armoured chest. Your face flushed and you gulped, backing up to look at his emotionless face.
Something in you seemed to click as you stared at each other, and the angry face he seemed to have when you bumped into him turned into such a gentle one.
He meant you no harm.
He had dark magenta eyes with astonishing lashes and short messy red hair, and a piercing too.
"H-hi there! I mean- uh, I'm sorry for bumping into you!" You bowed slightly, and permeated your head up when you heard a slight grunt.
"It's fine." He mumbled.
You grinned, though it disappeared as a shorter man with long violet hair and golden eyes took your hand in his.
"Good day, lovely lady. My name is Sinbad."
"Oh- hi- I'm Y/N." You answered, looking back up at the red haired man and another man with white hair and long robes.
"Sin! I swear- get away from her cant you see your making er uncomfortable!?"
"Huuuh!? I was just gonna ask if she wanted to come to the festival later!" The so called Sinbad began.
"Sin how much have you had to drink?!" The white haired man seemed much more angrier, and before you knew it he was dragging Sinbad away, the red haired man following.
He looked familiar somehow, and you refused to let it go.

You laughed and thanked the masked dancer as she put a flower crown over your H/C hair. You walked around, continuing to look for Sinbad and his two followers. At least, that's who you assumed they were.
Walking past booths and tables filled with fruits, meat and alcohol, you eventually climbed a small set of stairs to see Sinbad covered in girls, with a cup of wine in his hands, his nose pink and his mouth open as he grinned, laughing.
You sweat dropped at the sight of the practically naked lot of woman caressing him, and quickly turned your gaze to the side were the two you saw before were, with a bunch of others.
Before you knew it a white haired man with a sword was in your face with your hand in his.
"Well hello, beautiful young lady! Come on and sit down, I'll get you a drink!"
"Um, excuse me but-"
"Hey, Sharkkan. Someone's looking for you."
"Oh really? Who could that be?" The so called Sharkkan walked off, obviously just as drunk as Sinbad must be.
And as he left, your eyes trailed from his wobbling form up to the tall man you eyes on seemingly more than once before.
"Hello." You smiled.
"Hi." He responded.
"My names Y/N, by the way..." You kicked your foot off the ground lightly at some invisible dust, "Um-"
You eyes widened, "Masrur?!"
He rose a brow.
"Masrur! I knew you were familiar! But where are you from? When did I..."
"Y/N... I had a friend back in the day that died after-" He cut himself off, "She had the same name as you."
You snapped your fingers, "After those people took away the Fanalis people as slaves right? My father said it was like a war! Though luckily my family had left the night before."
"You mean..."
"I'm not 100 percent sure." You began, "But you know what, it's better we just start over instead of trying to rack our brains for old memories don't you agree?" You asked.
He blinked, before nodding slightly, you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't see a slight pink hue on his ears.
You giggled, "Nice to meet you, Masrur! I hope we can get along!"
You held out your hand, and Masrur slowly took it. His hand was much larger, and warmer than yours, but it was a comforting hold from the giant.
Who ever this man was to you from the past, you knew you'd eventually remember, but for now you new that weren't going to be leaving Sindria any time soon.
"I think I finally found it." You mumbled.
Masrur hummed, but you just shook it off with a smile, "Let's go dancing!"

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