Hiroomi Nase X Reader

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I'm so sorry for the lateness!! I had exams and then Wattpad decided TO BE STUPID!!! *glares at invisible Wattpad spirit*
Well then, I will hold you back no more! A Yukio one shot is coming up next!!


You always wondered why he would wear a scarf all the time, even in the summer. It was as if he could never get warm enough.
Maybe it was just a style?
Hiroomi a fashionista?!
you slapped your cheeks to wake yourself up, Aika looking at you weird from beside you with a raised eye brow and you knew she thought you were crazy. You laughed sheepishly in utter embarrassment, slowly turning from her blunt glare back to the window.
Only to stare at Hiroomi's reflection.
Oh thank this great day for allowing this amazing opportunity to gaze at the one and only love of my life!
Oh who am I kidding.
Hiroomi Nase doesn't even know who I am!  you silently groaned in dispare, slamming my head down on my desk.
"Are you alright back there, Miss L/N?" The teacher began, pausing from his endless lecture.
You didn't even bother to look up, you knew everyone was staring at you, but your outbursts were something everyone had gladly gotten used to.
"Yes!" Came your muffled answer.

Oh what a terrible fate you had.
You rubbed your nose and looked up at the man before you, only to notice the scarf before the face - then the beautiful green eyes and the perfectly cut raven colored hair...
You had bumped into him, the Hiroomi Nase!
"S-s-sorry!" You stuttered out.
Hiroomi hummed as he looked down at you, "It's alright... Who are you again?"
You stiffened under his gaze. Of course, you knew that Hiroomi didn't know your name, but there was something in your head that told you maybe he did notice you... And it hurt looking at his completely dumbfounded face.
"I'm... F/N L/N. I'm in a few of your classes." You finally said, looking down.
Your usually happy aura seemed crushed.
"Oh right! I remember you. Well, it was nice meeting you." He walked off and you swallowed, looking back at him as he walked off you frowned.

"I have a big brother, I think I'm decently cute... I'm everything Hiroomi could want! Oh man! I sound like a stalker!!" You rubbed your head in frustration and rolled around in your bed.
With a load 'ow' you hit the floor and stayed still like a forgotten doll on the floor beside your bed. You sighed dramatically, it was late and you should probably be sleeping, but once again Hiroomi was keeping you up.
You perked up at an unusual sound, slowly turning you head towards your bed, your eyes zeroing in on the darkness underneath.
And there it was.
A monster.
You screamed and lurched up, going for some kind of weapon - but the thing was faster than you are, and your scream seemed to have agitated it. You slashed at the figure, ignoring the shouting voice that told you you were insane. You were sure it was real... but then again that's what any crazy person would say.
No matter what you did or where you hit it - the demon always seemed to be able to either dodge or heal its self in a matter of seconds. Okay, Plan B! You began, turning you made a run for it, opening your door you ran out and quickly shut it behind you. You suppose it was both good and bad that you lived alone.
You took a breath and turned around, trying to think of what you'd do next. But your body stiffened as the demon appeared towering over you.
"How did you..." you began, but it only growled in response.
Looking to the side, you decided quickly to run to the end of the hall and jump of the side - thanking the heavens that you were on the first floor. You continued your sprint, a knife kept secure in your sweaty grip making you look even more crazy as you took in deep breaths to keep up with your legs.
I'm going to die. You thought, That or I'm really insane!
you tripped over a crack in the pavement, the knife flew out of your hands and your body crashed hard with the ground, your knees scraping along with your hands and up your arms as you slid to a stop. You laid there for a second, feeling all the pain settle in as you tried to get up a little faster. You were definitely not used to being chased down by demons.
"Somebody..." You began, going to Plan C as you turned in a sitting position, staring up at the seemingly smiling demon, one that knew he had won, "Help me!" You screamed as loud as you possibly could.
The demon roared and came closer, you backed up, reaching for the knife you slashed at the part of it closest to you. You couldn't give up, not this easily! You still had yet to make Hiroomi notice you! You crawled back and managed to get back on your feet, praying someone had heard your call you continued to defend yourself against the monster.
But wait. If you really were just insane, and this demon was just a frigmant of your imagination... than it can't really touch you.
You stopped, lowering the knife in your hand and releasing your tension. You took a slow deep breath and watched the demon calmly as it edged closer once again. And just as you closed your eyes, hoping that when you opened them again the monster would be gone, a glittering burst filled your ears and you popped one eye open before the other.
The knife dropped from your hand and clanked with the ground as you stared into the eyes of your savior. Light pink sparks flew around him, his scarf he wrapped back around his neck before looking back at you, his green eyes seemed brighter. More alive.
"Hello, F/N. Are you okay?"
"What was that thing? And what did you do to it?! Wait a second - was there really a monster to begin with?"
"You can see it?"
"Eh?" You looked side to side, completely confused, "So it is real? Or are you insane too, Hiroomi-kun?!"
He chuckled, "You aren't insane. Now come with me. I'll explain when we get you patched up."

After a long and very confusing explanation to what the hell had happened to you, Hiroomi had finished bandaging your knees, hands and arms, and you were sitting in a very comfortable chair at the Nase manor.
And if it weren't for the fact that you could see demons and were some kind of spirit world warrior and was going to be taking part in some training and joining the Literary club or something to be with some friends that are just like you - then you would be in heaven.
You were in Hiroomi Nase's house. Your prince charming - Knight in shinning armor had saved you from the evil villain who was after you - jealous of your beauty!
All that was missing...

"Ne, Hiroomi-kun?" You asked as he walked you to school the next day, feeling a wave of confidence come over you knew you only had a matter of seconds before it would disperse and you would run off with a red face.
"I didn't get my kiss!" You blurted out.
He stopped and looked at you, you stopped as well, looking back at him with a shaking determined face, unsure of what he would say. He could laugh at you... tell you your stupid and ugly... tell you your crazy...
As your confidence began to fade and your face began to heat up from embarrassment, Hiroomi smiled gently at you.
"Ah, because your the princess and I'm the knight in shinning armor right?"
"Yes?" You titled your head to the side, "Hiroomi-kun, are you a mind reader- !" Your body stiffened as Hiroomi's lips pressed on yours for a brief kiss,
"See you in literary club, my princess." Hiroomi winked and walked off, leaving you steaming with heat from your cheeks.
You slowly turned to watch him go, mumbling to yourself, My first kiss, taken my none other than the love of my life!
And you cheered in victory, Aika giving you that very same glance as she walked by.

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