Shizuo Hewijima X Reader

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"Are you insane, Y/N!?"
"No! I had it out there you saw me didn't you?!"
"Look, I may hate your brother but I made a promise to myself to be the brother you never had!"
That's right, your name was Y/N Orihara, the oldest sister Izaya had. And despite his creepy nature, along with your other twin sisters, you were more calm and collected, and when you met Shizuo you couldn't help but fall in love.
But not in the way Izaya did, what you felt was all real. You cared for the strong man, loved the way he could protect you. But right now, you hated the way he doubted you.
"Well what if I don't want a better brother! What if I just want to be brave like the rest of you! What if I just want to be loved by someone who doesn't feel like they have to!? What if I... WHAT IF I JUST WANT TO BE ACCEPTED!!" Tears sprung up and down your cheeks at your out burst. Your not supposed to be crying.
"No! You don't understand, Shizuo!"
"Y/N. Your crying."
"I know that you bastard!" You stomped your foot, your knuckles hurt from punching. Your knees hurt from tripping.
Suddenly, an intense warmth surrounded your body, a comforting darkness pulling you in, and when your knees gave out, he kept you up in his grasp.
"Shizuo." You whispered.
His chest was usually hard to you, cause he was a strong as strong could get. But right now it was like a pillow, soft and warm.
"Y/N. You know I don't like it when you get upset." He dead panned.
"Your the one who made that happen." You grumbled in response, your body still limp.
"It's worse when I'm the cause."
You felt your eyes droop, saddened. The bartender was scary but caring.
"So don't cry, Y/N. I didn't force myself to care for you. You were always confident, enough to come out from the fearful crowed and confront me with tarts." He snorted, "And I do accept you. More than anyone else, if I lost you in anyway I wouldn't stop searching for you."
"Even if I'm dead? That's why you don't want me to fight?"
He nodded against you.
There was a long silence. But it wasn't awkward, as Shizuo wasn't exactly a talker. More like a watcher. You took consideration upon your limp and stinging body, and decided that before you get let go that you should mention it.
"Ya?" He loosened his grip only slightly.
"I can't move."
"Eh?!" He let you go and you yelped as you dropped to the floor.
"Whaaaa I'm sorry!" You cried, "Oi, Shizoo?"
"Why are you calling me that? I thought told you not to."
"I love you."
"I love you too you big clutz." He picked you up and set you on the couch, sitting down beside you. A pink blush was evident on his cheeks, and you giggled like a school girl.
Just wait till Izaya sees us together! Oh you you could just imagine all the wonderful things you were going to use to tease to your crazy older brother.

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