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so Voltron season 7 just came out, and after finishing it, I start seeing all of this hate on the show.
And... Like...
How dare you.
Voltron is not your show.
All these people complaining about Queer-baiting and some people are relating it to JK Rowling and Dumbledore - like, what the heck?????
This isn't a romance??? These characters are literally fighting in a war????
Shiro was confirmed gay and everyone lost it - hyping up for some romance that they thought was going to happen between Shiro and Adam and then got super mad that Adam was dead and Shiro didn't get anytime to mourn or anything.
Yeah well guess what, no, Shiro didn't really have anytime to mourn okay? None of the Paladin's had anytime to waist - they had to save their planet.
Shiro and Adam broke up before he went on his expedition - he's been away from him for how long?? I dunno just my opinion there.

And relating it to Jk Rowling and Dumbledore kinda was like wtf okay???because a character being gay doesn't have to be proven? There doesn't have to be a make out scene between two gay characters to prove their sexuality or to make people happy. Also, Harry Potter wasn't a romance either. You want romance? Go sit your hating ass down and read Twilight.

Then there's all this crap about Keith and Aksha - well here's the thing okay, KEITH SAVED AKSHA's LIFE OF COURSE SHE HAS A SOFT SPOT FOR HIM.
doesn't mean she loves him. Doesn't mean Keith loves her.
Get over yourselves. PLEASE
Zethrid and them were just teasing her about being in love with him because she wouldn't kill him - one, maybe to try and catch her off guard to get the upper hand in the fight or something and two, of course she wouldn't kill him. Keith saved her life she owes him.

Then there's Allura and Lance. Yeah okay this scene was a little awkward and seemed a little forced but you know what just calm down okay.
It's not that big of a deal.
Ya'll are just getting mad for no good reason.

And I just want to put out my opinion on something here-
It's good to have straight characters too? Isn't it? don't get me wrong - I fully support the LGBTQ community, but sometimes I just feel like people are making all characters in this show a part of the LGBTQ for some reason.
Like seriously though, Lance, Keith, Allura, Hunk and Pidge, and all the others - their not your characters.
Keith isn't gay.
Lance isn't Bi.
Pidge isn't Asexual - She's like maybe fourteen now. (She was in middle school when she illegally got into the Garrison and then ended up with Lance in the blue lion.)
And Hunk isn't Pan.

Shiro is Gay - This was confirmed. And you know what, we're lucky they even gave him a boyfriend in the first place. They didn't have to do that. Shiro could be gay without a boyfriend or a love interest.

Again, this isn't your show.
So shut up.
If you were really a Voltron fan you'd be happy with the show no matter what.

So yeah that's my little rant for you.
Sorry if I came across too aggressive or if I spelt something wrong!!😁😁

One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ