Hinata Shoyo X Reader

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"I'm trying!"
"No your not! Look at your form! It's terrible!"

"Oni-San, will you come play with me?"
"Eh? Why not?"
"Because you suck at everything."

"I wish I had a brother."

You stared at your ceiling, remembering those words. Tobio Kageyama was your older brother, and at first you thought he was the most amazing person on earth, and you wanted to be just like him.
He agreed to teach you Volley ball.
But as you went on... You were always being scolded, yelled at to do better, yelled at because you just weren't good enough.
My brother hates me, he wishes I wasn't real.
After you heard him say that he wished he had a brother, you gave up on Volley Ball.

"Come on. Let's practice."
"I don't want to."
"Why not?"
"I don't want to."
"Tch. Don't be stupid let's-"
"No! I don't want to play with you Baka! I hate Volley Ball!"

You sighed, getting up and slipping on your uniform. You were to go to whatever HighSchool that Tobio was in, and he got in to Karasuno.
Idiot failed entrance exams for the one he wanted, but Karasuno seemed better anyways. After Tobio joined the volley ball team, he started to get a lot better at not bossing people around. He was nicer... In a way.
Though you knew he still hated you. You'd still argue all the time.

Today was your first day.
You didn't answer, you only stepped out the door ahead of him.

You were walking around at lunch, all of your 'friends' were joining clubs. But joining any of those will be the last thing you're doing. You don't want to get committed to anything. You don't want anyone to tell you you're not good enough every again.
You stopped as you saw Tobio. He was with a shorter boy, with bright orange hair and a large smile.
He was... Really cute.
You blushed as he caught your gaze and quickly kept walking. You wanted to avoid Tobio as much as possible, and maybe even pretend you weren't related despite your resemblance.

What am I doing here? Why am I watching my brother play Volley Ball? You thought to your self as you stared through the small windows of the gym. No! I'm not watching him I'm watching the orange haired boy. If I'm correct his name is Shoyo Hinata.
Your eyes widened as you watched Tobio toss to Hinata, and he jumped up fast and high. It was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen, and as he smacked the ball down, you couldn't help but smile.
And for he first time in forever, you wanted to hold a Volley Ball in your hands.

No ones here...
You grinned, picking up the ball you tippy-toed to the middle of the left side of the court, and threw up the ball just enough to hit it. It hit the white edge, and you flinched, as if waiting for Tobio to pop out of nowhere and tell you what you were doing wrong.
But it didn't come. You jumped a little in excitment and took another one, smelling the ball. You know it was weird, but it's been so long. You threw it up again, a little high you jumped slightly and smashed it up.
It flew just over the net and you did a mini victory dance, laughing at yourself after.
No one could tell you you were bad, you could just enjoy yourself.
You took another ball and threw it up, hitting it to the other side again.
You stopped, your wrist hurt slightly from hitting it wrong a few times, and so you took one of the five remaining balls and threw it up. This time, you got into receive stance and hit it up. You ran to hit it again, trying to play keep up with yourself.
you dove for it, your chest hitting the ground hard you managed to get your hand under the ball and get it back up again.
You grinned with a new energy flowing through you, lurching back up again you hit the ball up into the air again.
You let it hit the ground when you noticed a boy standing at the door way. For a second you were afraid it was Tobio, but none other than Shoyo Hinata stood there, his eyes glimmering and mouth slightly ajar.
"What?" You blurted.
"A-Ah- I- Uh- forgot my jacket..." Hinata shyly pointed to the stage, and you looked over to see a black jacket hanging off the side.
"Oh. Okay." You replied. He walked in slowly and reached for it.
"How long have you been standing there?" You asked.
He jumped, "Uh...Well..."
You glared, a glare inherited from your brother and he immediately spat it out.
"I saw the victory dance!"
You blinked, before feeling a huge wave of immense heat coat over your face.
You swallowed.
"Uh, but, it was... Cute..."
"Uh! I mean! Your pretty good at receives, are you on the girls volley ball team?"
The girls volley ball team?
Kageyama would find out. He'd come to see you and he'd embarrass the both of us.
"Eh? Why not?"
"I hate Volley Ball."
"But then... Why are you practicing in here?"
You tensed, "Well, I saw you earlier... So I guess it's just..." It's just Tobio. Without him Volley Ball is fun.
You shut yourself up quickly.
"It's just what?" Hinata pushed softly.
"Nothing." You grumbled, going to pick up the fallen balls.
Hinata quickly joined you, and as we both put armfuls of balls away it was silent.
Hinata got the last ball, and threw it in bin. He cheered when it went in and you smiled slightly. He was such a happy person.
"Hey. You look familiar." He suddenly said, coming closer to me.
You blushed again and backed up, looking away.
"Ah! Kageyama-San! You look just like him!"
"I do not." You blurted.
"Are you related?!"
"What?! There's no way your not!"
"Fine... I am. But don't tell anyone!"
"Ahh! I was right! But your so... Different..."
"Exactly." You crossed your arms and stood tall. We were different because I was nicer and he was a Baka.
"He's so... Scary and your nicer... But your both quiet... What else? You have the same hair... And eyes... Your way shorter though too-"
"Oi! I get it!" You interrupted, geez he could ramble on forever.

"So, why can't I tell anyone?" Hinata asked as you walked together back towards home, his bike by his side.
You choked on your spit, "Well, you see-"
You coughed slightly, clearing your throat, spotting Tobio who was standing about ten feet away.
"What are you doing with her Hinata?"
"Uh! Nothing! We were just walking!"
"Come on, Y/N."
"Now." You deflated. You like hanging out with Hinata. He was like your first real friend, he was cute, funny, and he filled the void of conversation skills that you didn't have.
"Goodbye, Hinata-Senpai."

You sneaked into the gym again the next day, this time, you hoped Hinata was watching.
You started with serving again, and eventually Hinata jumped in out of nowhere and managed to receive the ball.
"Nice one, Hinata-Senpai!" You grinned, and he smiled back.
"Lets practice together!" Hinata picked up the ball and ran up to me, his eyes shone in the light of the gym and brought a slight blush to your face,
We practiced for a while, doing keep up and banging into each other countless times. You were laughing the whole time and you had never felt so free, so happy to play Volley Ball before.
"Y/N-san, will you toss to me?" Hinata asked.
"Eh? Oh, well, I'll try." You said, getting into place.
You swallowed, Hinata threw up the ball. You knew it would be a failure, especially the first time, but you were going to try your best anyways. You put up your hands, spread out your fingers and bent your knees slightly, ready to bounce it off lightly across the net so Hinata could spike it down. Hopefully.
"Y/N?" You gasped and the ball hit threw your hands and right onto your face.
"Ow~" You whined, holding your nose.
"Y/N-san? Are you alright?" Hinata asked, walking up to me.
"I'm fine, thanks." You replied, turning to look at the door, seeing Tobio standing there with his usual blunt expression.
He walked forward, glaring at Hinata making him take a really big step back. "You need to-"
"Don't! Tell me what I did wrong."
"I just-"
"Why are you here?" You asked harshly.
"I came looking for you. Lets walk home together."
"Why? So you can lecture me about Volley Ball? I like playing with Hinata-senpai, he's way better than you!"
Tobio looked hurt suddenly, and confusion fulled me to the brim. How did I hurt him?
"Fine." He turned and stormed out.
"That was mean, Y/N-san." You looked back at Hinata, "I'm sure Kageyama just want's to help out."
"All my life hes tried to help out. It turned into some... stupid boot camp, or something. I just wanted to play Volley Ball with my big brother, and have it be like in the manga. But he just kept telling me what I was doing wrong, he kept saying I wasn't good enough. I hate playing Volley Ball with him."
"You know, Kageyama-san's changed... He isn't like he used to be. You should try practicing with him again, because he is an amazing setter!"
You looked at Hinata, he had a glimmer in his eyes. He wouldn't lie, he couldn't because he's always with Kageyama. There the ultimate duo.
"O-okay, I guess I could..."
"Go then!" Hinata began pushing me towards the doors.
"Ah! H-Hinata-senpai! Wait!"
"What?"He pulled his hands off my back, standing up straight.
"We can keep practicing after school right?"
"Of course we can."
"Thank you, Hinata-senpai!" You smiled for him before running off, and you swear his face lit on fire.

Extended Ending

"O-onii-chan!" You blurted, huffing as you ran up to him, "Wait!"
He stopped, looking back at you as you stopped beside him, heaving for breaths you stood straight again, ready with the courage Hinata helped you gather up.
"I know you would rather a brother, but I'm here and I just wanted to play Volley Ball with you! I didn't like playing with you anymore because you always lectured me, but, you've change Tobio, and I want to play again. I want to play with you again!"
Your eyes were shut tight, but as you opened one, Tobio stood frozen and shocked.
"You heard that? All those years ago, you heard me when I said, I wished I had a brother?"
You frowned, "Yeah..."
Tobio hesitated, and it looked like he wanted to hug you. Knowing both of you were this awkward, you just went for it, hugging him to get it over with.
"I'm sorry Y/N. For everything. I just wanted you to be the best you could be..."
"Don't worry Tobio, I think I'm going to join the girls volley ball team."

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