Nagisa Hasuki X Reader

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"Y/N-chan~, Y/N-chan~!" A sweet voice sang out, of course, it was Nagisa. He sat down in the seat beside you with a huge smile on his face. He had home room with you, and you being the quiet girl you were, was really surprised when he started to talk to you. He'd always talk to you and, well, be annoying and read your notes if he didn't get it.
He was also... Touchy. You were for some unknown reason fairly uncomfortable with other people touching you, though you told no one, which you probably should start telling some one now because-
"Y/N-chan???" You felt the vein pop in your forehead as Nagisa poked your cheek, then took it in his poke finger and thumb and pulled on it.
"Hasuki-San." You grumbled, "Let go." You looked at him from the side and he laughed, doing as told.
He opened his mouth probably to say something stupid, his hand raised probably to pat your head, but the teacher called out that class was starting and he shut up.
You sighed in relief, turning to face the front.

"Y/N-chan. Y/N-chan. Y/-"
"What is it Hazuki-San?" You asked, continuing to write.
"Y/N-chan, what are you writing?"
You sighed, it was English. And if you told him what you were writing would it make much of a difference? Would it help him or would he just turn to his paper, sulk, then start calling out your name in an exaggerated whisper to get you to give him an idea?
"I... I'm writing about swimming?" You answered.
He gasped in an exaggerated whisper, "Great idea, Y/N-chan! Can I do that to?"
"Do what you want, Nagi- Hasuki-San."
You blushed, realizing your slip up. You had talked so much in class Nagisa believed you were close enough to start calling each other 'chan' but just to annoy him, and because you were nervous about the whole close thing, you continued to call him by his last name.
"You can call me Nagisa, Y/N-chan."
"Whatever, Hazuki-San."
Though his smile barley faded, all class.

It's been another week, and you were home sick today. You looked up at the ceiling of your room, wondering what Nagisa was doing. Would he just move onto to another girl? You always thought that he maybe liked you, maybe, and wanted to be maybe real friends and maybe more.
You don't really have many real friends, not ones that don't talk about boys all the time... Not ones like in the books and movies that you can always go to when you need someone.
But Nagisa, he just pulls his way through your walls and fills that void. He keeps coming around and being nice. You always get startled when he shows up, especially outside of class, because you thought maybe it was just an in class thing at first. You thought maybe it was just because he was sitting beside you.
You smiled slightly. Nagisa Hazuki is your friend, and maybe, even more than that. He's cheerful, sweet, cute... He's just what you need to help yourself open up.
He's like... Your knight in shinning armor, come to break you free from the cage that's holding you back.

But you guess you couldn't help it.

"Y/N-chan!! There you are!!" Nagisa called out, though it was barley audible and you thought you were hearing things.
You continued to walk, but froze as arms wrapped around you.
Oh crap. What do I do? Hug him back?  You thought. Hugging you didn't do very often.
Nagisa squeezed you and pouted about how you weren't in home room.
And suddenly you went angry. You were already having a bad day. Your head still hurt from your cold yesterday, and the last thing you needed is Nagisa hugging you, making your head hurt more, and then when he gets sick he'll start complaining about it like never before!
All these thoughts rung about in the back of your head, your conscience freaking out barley could hear them, but they were strong enough to change what you would say next, and how you would say it.
"Nagisa! Let me go, dammit!" You snapped.
He quickly let go and looked at you, you were about an inch shorter than him, but it wasn't hard to be intimidating to the five year old.
You glared at him, not even realizing it. His magenta eyes were soft, and they were filled to the brim with hurt. His lips were slightly parted, his arms a bit out by his sides clearly still shocked.
"Uh-um-oh-" Nagisa stuttered and lost his words, he took a large step back and look down at his feet before taking a glance back at you.
You finally came to your senses as his mouth that was usually in a smile was a quivering frown that he quickly forced to stop, and his eyes were filled with sadness, through the sun light they were glossy.
Your eyes widened slightly, realizing your mistake you quickly turned your head so you didn't have to look at him, cursing yourself, you ran the opposite way.

You ran all the way home, and slammed the door behind you once you managed to unlock it with shaking hands. You could barley hold your emotions in any longer, but you finally swung it open, slammed it shut, and slid down onto the floor, leaning against it.
You cried, more than you have for anything else before. You knew very well what you had just done, you had snapped at Nagisa. You had hurt him.
You just lost a friend. And an amazing one at that.
"I'm so sorry Nagisa." You sobbed, "I'm so sorry!"

The next day you forced yourself to school, sitting in your seat you looked to the side, thinking to see Nagisa smiling like an idiot again, but he wasn't.
He was staring out the window, head completely turned from your way.
You looked back at your desk. He's gone.
All class Nagisa didn't say one word to you. He barley even looked at you.
And the whole time you couldn't stop your brain from yelling at you, to just say sorry.
But... How the hell am I supposed to do that? You asked yourself.

Walking through the halls in a depressed manner, you bumped into a large third year boy.
"Oh! Are you alright?" The boy asked as you held your nose and backed up.
You looked up at him, he was really tall.
Did he just ask you if you were okay?
No. No I'm not.
"I'm fine..." You said, "Wait, do you know anyone named Nagisa Hazuki?"
"Nagisa-chan?" He replied.
Yes! He does know! Maybe he could help me! This boy must be in the swim team. You cheered in your head.
"I'm, F/N L/N, and I need your help."
"Oh. Okay. I'm Makoto Tachibana. This is Haruka Nanase." Makoto pointed to a shorter boy beside him with dark Raven hair and deep blue eyes.
You mentally rammed your head into a brick wall and continued.
"Where's the other one? 'Rei-chan', is it?"
"Oh! Rei. He's over there, reading."
You looked behind Makoto to see a boy with red glasses reading a book so intensely it looked like he was trying to get sucked into it.
"Rei! Come on over here!" Makoto called out.
Rei sighed, looking rather annoyed he shut the book and walked over.
"Oh. Who might you be?" He asked, looking at me.
"I'm F/N L/N. And, I want to talk to you guys about Nagisa."
"What happened?! Do you know?! He's been pouting all day and it is so not beautiful!" Rei freaked.
"Well you see, we have home room together, and we were pretty good friends, until, well, I got mad at him."
"What did you do?"
"Well I don't know how many times I have to tell him to let go of me because he's always touching me. And then just yesterday he was hugging me to death and I snapped at him! Please help me!" You bowed, confessing everything.
"Nagisa talks about you a lot, you know." Haruka dead panned.
"Yeah. You must of hit him hard." Makoto smiled an you only felt worse.
"The best you can do is apologize and hope for the best." Haruka shrugged, looking away.
"I say, you apologize and confess! It will be the perfect scenario!"
"That's actually a good idea, Rei-chan. Y/N-San, you should confess." Makoto smiled.
"But he-"
Haruka suddenly shushed everyone and nodded towards the direction behind you. You turned around, only to see Nagisa. He stopped dead when he saw you, and turned down the hall way.
Oh what the hell.
You took off after him, quickly thanking his friends, and caught Nagisa outside.
Oh thank goodness no one else is out here.
"Nagisa-chan!" You began, stumbling towards him as he was about to sit against the boards, as if to hide from you.
"N-Nagisa, listen to me." You huffed, reaching out you grabbed what you could when he tried to walk away, which turned out to be his hand.
You blushed, but continued, "Nagisa, I'm sorry for yelling at you! I didn't mean to snap at you and, the truth is... I... I really like you!" You paused, taking a deep breath "I didn't mean what I said or how I said it I swear! I-I was just a bit uncomfortable at first because, well, I don't know hugging is kind of rare to me and-"
"Y/N-chan." Nagisa cut you off, and you looked up to see a soft smile upon his face, his eyes seemed a brighter pink, "I really like you too. And I'm sorry for always touching you when I knew it annoyed you." He paused, looking away for a second, "I thought that you had finally had enough of me."
"No! I c-could never have enough of you, Nagisa-chan."
His smile grew wider and he stepped closer, taking your hand properly in his, which you just realized you were still holding onto.
"I could never get enough of you either, Y/N-chan." He leaned in, pressing his forehead against yours, "Does this mean I can hug you more now?"
"Well I suppose so- ack!" His arms quickly wrapped around your body and he held you close. It wasn't one of his squeezing surprise hugs, it was one like in the movies.
It was just the one you needed.
"I'm really sorry, Nagisa."
"Don't worry about it, Y/N-chan. I forgive you."

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