Dick Grayson (NightWing) X Reader

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"Dick, what are you doing?" You began as a slow beat began to ring its way around the main base of the cave.
"Setting a mood." He turned and smiled at you, his blue eyes hidden under his mask.
"Erm... I'm not dancing with you."
He frowned and began to pout, "Come on Y/N! Just this once?"
"Dick, you know how I am about these things..." You looked away from him as he took your hand in his. For one, you were in our suits, and two, had gotten back from a mission not even an hour ago.
Of course, you were totally not sweaty anymore or anything you got to the showers so fast-
"Y/N. No one else is here, the caves empty and it's just you and me. I know you didn't prepare for this, but neither did I... Well... Sort of... Look, I know you want to~."
"Richard." You began, looking at him head on.
"Don't be such a party pooper, N/N."
"Oh! So now I'm a party pooper, huh?"
Dick smirked, leading you towards the centre of what used to be the place you would beat each other up for practice - which was now suddenly a dance floor.
He took your hand lightly and pulled you to his chest, "I guess I'll have to prove you wrong." You smirked.
"And your gonna have to try real hard to do so." His smile lit up the whole room as the lights dimmed.
You spun around, the music leading you on. Dick twirled you around, dipped you, and you just had to follow his lead. He was right, you did want to dance with him and no one else could see.
Plus, this was easy, this was fun.


I froze, settling my guard as I saw Dick and Y/N begin to twirl around the circular plat form that was now a dance floor. The lights were slightly dimmed, and music (which I believed was Ed Sheeran)  was playing on the speakers. I smiled lightly, not daring to move a muscle so that they couldn't notice me.
Dick twirled Y/N, even dipped her. They were still in their suits, the mission ended not even an hour ago. Y/N laughed as Dick picked her up, and threw her in the air. She twirled in the sky and landed gracefully bridal style back in her boyfriends arms.
I sensed that something magical was about to happen, something very special. The two had started dating five years ago after the whole League and mole incident was over. And now that Wally's been gone for about half a year - giving them time to get over their morning and come together to keep moving forward, they were going to take another huge step.
And Dick was going to lead it.

You laughed as Dick took your waist and pushed you into the air. You went right along with it, twirled your body and then throwing your arms out, falling back into Dicks arms bridal style, were he quickly set you down and resumed dancing.
You laughed some more, the smile not leaving your face - a smile not leaving his.
You slightly sang along with the words, having heard the song on the radio before. Dick placed a hand on your waist and held your hand so yours could rest in his. Your bodies moved right and left, your feet moving in a circle.
"Baby now~," You sang in a whisper as he twirled you again, but pressed your body right back against his. His warmth was all you needed to survive. He could melt the snow... You both, could melt the snow.
Dick pulled you closer to him, leaned his head down and sang lightly in your ear,
"We found love... Right were we are..~"
You smiled lightly, your head against his chest. He pulled you back and twirled you out so far you lost his hand. You stopped, but when you turned back around, Dick was on one knee with a purple shaded box in his hands.
"Oh Richard." You felt your shoulders slump. You should have seen this coming, but he knew you had no idea.
A cheesy smile rose on your face weather you liked it or not, heat burning off your cheeks. You took a few steps towards him, and he took a deep breath.
"Y/N, Y/N L/N, for the past five years - and even before that - you've been a big part of my life. You've done so so much for me that a lot of times I couldn't make up for. But I'm thanking you, and I'm saying that I love you so much, so much that I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He swallowed hard, looking to the box before looking back up to you.
He fidgeted his knees on the floor, opening the box, revealing a sliver diamond ring. Not to big, not to small. "Will you marry me, Y/N?"
It took you a minute to realize you were supposed to answer that. Your mouth hung slightly ajar, your eyes lost on the light that reflected off the polished edges of the ring that Dick was proposing to you with.
Your ring.
You shut your mouth quickly and cleared your throat, Dick looked hopeful, as if you would refuse,
"Dick, of course I'll marry you. I love you too, so much, that I'll spend the rest of my life with you. Through thick, and thin." You smiled, Dick practically jumped up and hugged you tight.
A squeal was heard from the other end and you lurched apart to see Mag'ahn, Beast boy, Impulse and Robin standing there shocked. Mag'ahn was the one that squealed.
"Oh! My goodness I'm so sorry! Just- er- out! Everyone out!"
Tim shook his head and turned around, impulse bolted and Beast Boy slowly followed Meg'ahn, looking confused - especially confused - when she smiled all teeth and put a thumbs up.
You hastily smiled in return, and turned to Dick who was looking at the ring.
"I can't believe I thought you would say no."
"You thought I'd say no? Dick, you know that I love you, because... Well, I love you."
"I know, you show me everyday. You've shown me everyday from the moment I met you. You always find a way to show people you care for them."
You smiled some more.
"I'm not going to put this ring on over your suit." Dick began, turned completely to face me, "But tomorrow we can go to the place where we had our first date, and I'll put it on you then." He smiled sweetly, holding your chin.
You smiled and licked your lips in reply, before placing them on his.

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