Hikaru Hitachiin X Pregnant!Reader

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Your hopes for a child of your own with your husband Hikaru was a hidden from him. The two of you mentioned kids rarely, and sometimes you wondered if Hikaru even wanted a child yet. He was always working hard, since you worked from home more often than not. You wondered if maybe having a child would be to much to handle without him around all the time - But then again, it might bring the family together.
As Hikaru was out working again, you swiftly left the house with your hair up in a messy bun, and got your driver to take you to the nearest drug store. You swallowed away your nervousness as you made your way to one of the back ill's, where seemingly hundreds of different pregnancy tests were lined up. For you, it was almost over whelming.
"First time?" You turned your head to see a shorter lady with long black hair and piercing blue-grey eyes, she looked your age with the makeup done up to perfection over her face, "I remember my first time, you see, I have three kids now, going on four!" The woman smiled and her white teeth glimmered.
Four kids?! How?! You asked your self.
You laughed slightly, "Yeah, it's only my first. I'm still not sure yet. I'm mostly just hoping."
"Well don't look so nervous! My name is Sarah by the way. Here, these are the ones I use." Sarah stood up on her the tips of her toes, grabbing a small box before plopping back down on her heels and handing it to you.
"T-thank you." You stuttered out, taking the box you felt your stomach explode with butterflies and your heart do a double beat in your chest.
"Good luck!" Sarah grinned, before whispering, "And tell your husband!"
Your eyes widened as you blushed and quickly looked down at your ring finger. The diamonds shone in the light from above you and you wondered how she knew. But when you looked back up, Sarah was gone.

"Y/N! I'm home!" You heard Hikaru call from all the way down stairs. You jumped, the test in your hands flew up and you just managed to catch it. You looked back at the stick, still waiting for a sign. You would have taken the test before, but you were so nervous that you couldn't pee. So you had soup for lunch and drank as much fluid as you possibly could for the last three hours knowing you would have to pee eventually.
"Y/N?" Hikaru called out again. You didn't answer, you couldn't.
Your heart beat began to pick up, your breathing following as something began to show up on the stick. You quickly held your breath unable to move your eyes away from the small screen on the test, and as the image became visible, the bathroom door opened.
"What is that?" Hikaru asked.
You were frozen, staring at what had shown up. You weren't dreaming, at least, you didn't think you were. You had fainted once a week ago and immediately thought you were pregnant after the maid said you weren't sick. But now, no matter how much you repeated that 'you knew it' you couldn't believe it.
"Y/N? Y/N!"

You groaned, moving your head side to side before your leg twitched to the side and you realized you were in a bed. Your eyes opened as your mind quickly woke up and you sat up to see Hikaru in a couch chair beside you.
"Good to see your awake." Hikaru frowned at you as you slowly sat up, "You only scared the shit out of me, again."
You smiled sheepishly, running a hand through your hair.
"This fell out of your hand... the nurse said it was a pregnancy test... but..." Hikaru stared at the stick with confused eyes, "She ran off screaming before she could explain what the sign meant."
You chocked on you spit slightly as you swallowed, remembering what had happened.
"Can I see it?" You asked, outstretching your slightly shaking hand, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of your face as your nervousness got the better of you again.
Hikaru handed you the test, and as you looked at the result again a smile took over your face. You giggled slightly, this time believing it.
"Hikaru, my love, it means positive!"
There was a pause as Hiakru tilted his head slightly, "And?" He asked.
You rolled your eyes, throwing your arms around him, "It means I'm pregnant!"
Hiakru gasped, before returning the embrace, laughing himself, "So, I'm gonna be a dad?"
"No silly, you are a dad!" You grinned, pulling away enough to look into his eyes.
"We got to tell Kaoru! Maybe we can- Mmph!" You cut Hikaru off by kissing him, delicatly your lips moved together as he kissed back.
"Yeah, we're gonna have to tell everyone!" And you both smiled all teeth, leaning your foreheads together in pure joy.

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