Nishinoya Yuu X Reader

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I was, honestly...
Scared to publish this.
It's kind of an embarrassing topic, but that's also why I wrote it.
It's cute and funny and you might cringe.


It had been just barley over 3 months since you and Nishinoya had started dating, and this was the last thing that you needed. Today wasn't any day necessarily special, so it shouldn't have been a concern for you - you should have been able to go home right after school and fix this horrid problem before you started to really embarrass yourself.
Unfortunately, Noya was being considerably clingy today and it was extremely hard to avoid him without feeling even worse.
No human on earth could escape what you were currently going through, it was something every one had to suffer one way or another. But as a girl, it was a lot harder to get through it. It was only noon when your stomach started to twist uncomfortably. You thought it was nothing, maybe cramps, but then your bowels moved and you felt it. You had gas, and it was not being nice with you.
You sat in all of your classes struggling to make sure no one sniffed anything off and thought disgusting thoughts about you. When the last class was finally over, you packed your things and quickly made your way to your shoe locker.
You made record time in getting to the exit of the school to get home, all just so you could drink some tea and fart without worrying about what people would think. You would be free to be your disgusting human self when you got home, and you would never eat your grandmothers chilli for dinner again, but Noya interrupted your plans.
"Y/N-chan!" He called, your feet freezing on the pavement, "Come watch practice today!"
"I can't, Noya-kun. I have to get home."
"Huh?" He frowned, his eyes saddened and it gutted you, "But you said you would the other day."
"D-did I?" You swallowed, "I'm sorry, Noya, but something came up. Plus, I have lots of homework on top of that. I have to go home."
"But Y/N!" He whined, "Why are you in such a rush?"
"I told you, gotta go!"
Gotta go really fast!
He frowned, now looking upset, "That's not fair. Why are you being like this? You avoided me at lunch too."
"I'm not avoiding you!"
"Yes you are!" His voice raised slightly and you knew right away that what you were doing was pissing him off.
You would get mad too if he suddenly started avoiding being close to you without much explanation. Sure you'd never done anything like this before, but that didn't make it any better.
"I'm sorry. I just have to get home. I'll call you later."
"Tell me why first."
"What?" You asked, exhausted already, feeling yourself break into a nervous sweat. Your stomach churned again.
"Tell me why you're avoiding me today. It makes me feel like shit, you know. Did I say something wrong?"
"No! No, you didn't do anything... It's... It's me, I uh..."
He rose a brow, stepping forward, "It's what? You can tell me."
I sighed, wiping my sweaty palms on my skirt. This could literally make him hate me.
"You can't laugh." You began.
His eyes widened and he looked like the most confused dog on the planet, "Okay? I won't."
"And... Don't get disgusted."
"Disgusted? What happened, Y/N?"
"I!" You sucked in a breath, your face hot, "I have gas."
He short circuited, staring out into the abyss as he took in your words. After the longest ten seconds of your life, he spoke, "Gas? You mean... You've been avoiding me because you..."
He held his breath and you narrowed your eyes. His lips quivered and his cheeks filled with air as he tried to stop himself from laughing,
"Because you had to fart?"
You groaned and whined as he burst out laughing. It wasn't a small laugh either, he had to hold his stomach as he curled over and belted his loud, cheering laugh.
"I-I'm sorry!" He laughed, "I can't help it!"
"Are you grossed out?" You asked, your body so hot you felt ready to pass out.
"No! No!" He shook his head, standing up straight and pressing his hands on your shoulders, "Come on, Y/N! It's only natural, I fart all the time too!"
Your frown deepened, but you suppose it was somewhat reassuring.
"Can I ask you something?" He began, "I want to help fix your little fear of farting around me."
"Okay?" You replied hesitantly, looking around to see if anyone was near by.
"Do you have to fart right now?"
If your body could get any hotter, it was now. You didn't want to say anything at all. You didn't want to say yes so bad that your mouth literally wouldn't open. So you forced yourself to nod, because he only wanted to help.
He grinned, "Do it. Fart."
"Come on, you can do it! Face your fears!"
"Come on~"
"Oh~ My first name."
You took a deep breath, swallowing hard. You shut your eyes tight and let it out. Luckily it wasn't a very big one, it was a small toot - a poof of air. It was silent for a second and you still refused to open your eyes. Noya hugged you and your eyes popped back open, slightly horrified.
He laughed, making you want to knee him in the groin right there, "And that's nothing to be ashamed of Y/N-chan! You're still my gorgeous girlfriend!"
"Thanks, I guess..."

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