Sweet Pea X Reader

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This particular one shot follows the Riverdale story line~ enjoyyyyy~


School went on as it normally did, getting up too early and thinking maybe a little too little about what you were going to wear for the day. Fogarty was texting you about joining some school musical as you were trying to brush your hair, groaning at the constant buzzing sound and the new annoying ringtone Sweet Pea must have put on your phone.
"What is it?!" You snapped, picking up the phone Fogarty giggled like a school girl.
"The school musical! You gotta join with me!"
"What? Ew, no." You grimaced, exiting the bathroom and grabbing your jacket, struggling to slip it on as you also tied to listen to Fogarty talk about the musical.
"I didn't know you were so into this kind of thing." I began when Fogarty finally stopped to take a breath.
"Yeah I guess it's kind of been a hidden hobby, but Kevin was telling me all about it and I just couldn't turn it down. It be cool if you auditioned, you know, cause-"
"Uh, Fangs, chill for a second. I can't even sing."
He snorted, "That's a lie. A really bad lie. Sweet's has told me many times about how pretty your voice is."
You sighed heavily, "That man."
"That man never shuts up about you, let me tell ya, I wonder if he has a life apart from you."
You scoffed, picking up your bag and pushing the door open, locking it behind you and walking down the porch stairs.
"I've never heard you sing myself but I'm sure you'd be great! Plus, it'd be nice to have a serpent friend there."
You smiled sadly, swinging your keys around on your finger as you walked to where Sweet's was picking you up.
"Listen, Fangs. You know me, and you know I'd never last doing something like that."
"I can perform a dance, yeah I know, but the serpents are family to me. Singing in front of all those people and even just the other cast members - I'm too shy."
"Yeah, I guess your right. I didn't really think that through..." He trailed off and you laughed lightly, nodding to Sweet Pea up ahead.
"I gotta go, Sweets is here. See you at school, Fangs."
"See you, N/N."
You gave Sweet Pea a butterfly kiss and took the helmet he held out for you.
"Who was that?" He asked.
"Fangs. Did you know he was into musicals?"
"Tt. Yeah, but I hate listening to him talk about it and he knows it."
"Ugh, same. But he doesn't know it."
He laughed and revved the engine, driving the two of you off to Riverdale high.

You sat dead on the inside, your food finished and staring hard at Fogarty's plate. He hadn't touched his food since he sat down, going right into talking about this dumb musical that was coming up.
"I asked N/N if she wanted to join but she said no, Sweet Pea."
"Uh, yeah, okay." Sweet Pea nodded, cursing under his breath as he played snakes on Cool-Math-Games on his computer.
"Sweet Pea? N/N is gonna join the play."
"Yeah, okay, cool."
You rose a brow, "Sweet Pea, Baby, I love you."
"Yeah, uh-huh."
Fangs and you shared a glance before turning back to the male, "Sweet Pea, I'm pregnant."
"Yea-whoa, wait what?! No!" He barked, snapping his head to you, Fangs and you burst out laughing.
"God damnit you guys!"
"Guys! Guys! Look!" Toni began, slapping Fangs' arm and pointing towards the snobby rich girls table, also where Jug was sitting.
"What the..." Sweet's began, and you narrowed your eyes as Ethel stood in front of Veronica, a cup full of something in her hand.
"For your crimes against the town of Riverdale, for everything you and your family have done and continue to do, we find you guilty." Ethel chanted, "Your sentence is this."
Ethel threw the drink - which happened to be a strawberry milkshake - all over Veronica's face and white shirt, and you snorted a laugh, turning away and giggling into Sweet Pea's shoulder.
Everyone else was laughing as well, trying hard to hide it.
"Come on guys, we should feel bad." Toni smirked.
"Fuck that." Sweet Pea giggled, kissing your forehead, "I don't know why your so happy today but please don't stop smiling."
"I won't, just for you." You cooed.
"What has gotten you all happy today?" Toni asked, taking a sip of her coke.
"I guess it's just the way I woke up. Usually I dread waking up, but this morning I was excited to see what the day would bring, I felt safe because I had Sweet Pea and all of my friends."
Fangs and Toni 'awe'd' as Sweet Pea kissed you lovingly.
And for that moment, everyone had forgotten about how South Side High was about to be taken by the Lodge's and turned into a Prison.

"This isn't a demolition notice. It's a notice of extermination."
"We've already said our goodbye to South Side." Toni sighed in reply to how Jug began our club meeting.
"Today, it's South Side High. Tomorrow, it's the Wyrm. Everything that makes the Southside home, is gonna disappear." Jug argued, his hands flying around to emphasize his points.
"It's just a building, Jug."
"No, Toni, it's the soul of the Southside. The Uktena fought and died trying to protect that land. Our parents, fought to keep it safe during the riots. Now it's our turn."
Curse you, Jug, for being able to rile us up so easily. You thought, Every word you speak is a part of a greater speech, a greater plan, like a novel of life's purpose.
"Who's with me? Who's ready to go to war?"

"It's getting cold." You said, looking around the area.
"You don't have to stay here, babe." Sweet's replied, "You can get home and get cozy."
"Where you fight, I'll fight too." You claimed, "I won't leave. I'll be fine."
Sweet's smirked, and you ignored Archie as he came by on his bike to try and tell Jug that "we were being stupid".
Eventually, you sat down beside Fangs and fell asleep on his shoulder, curled up and shivering as Sweet's stood tall.
You mumbled that you were proud of him as he came to check on you, smiling tiredly.
"Thank you, Y/N." Sweet's ran his hand over your cheek as you stayed leaning against Fangs.
"Later we'll go out for hot cocoa?" You proposed, looking lovingly into his brown eyes.
"Yeah." He replied, pulling his hand back to his lap, "You get as much rest as you need. She good on your shoulder, Fangs?"
"Yeah, man."
"Thanks a lot. Your the best." Sweet's stood back up and walked to his other friends.
"He really trusts you." You said.
"More like he trusts you." Fangs sighed, "I'm terrified for my life."
You hummed in disagreement, "Don't be. Sweet Pea would never let me stay near any guy other than my brother before he moved for college." I explained, "I'm glad he trusts you with me, I love hanging out with you."
"Even listening to my rambling about musicals?"
"Yeah. Even that."

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