Damian Wayne X Reader

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This takes place at the end of the Teen Titans VS Justice League movie with our star Damian Wayne!!
Also a part from the OC FanFiction I made, this is just a cute little piece about the aftermath of the battle~
More are soon to come, so stay tuned!!


You ignored your own minor cuts and bruises and instead sat Damian down to disinfect and wrap his much more concerning wound. It was silent for the most of it, Raven had gone off to do some much needed meditation and Garfield and Jaime were resting since Star Fire had taken care of their wounds first.
"What did this to you?" You asked as you finished, "You had gone up to where Raven was, right?"
Damian nodded, "A demon took the form of my grandfather, and as real as he seemed, I killed him."
You stiffened, catching his eyes in a gentle gaze, "I saw... my father. I think."
He rose a brow, shocked to hear that he wasn't the only one who had to face people who you both thought to be dead and long gone, and he listened as you explained your theory that since you both had demons haunting your everyday thoughts, they took form as the people you most think about in hell.
"So it seems, that Garfield and Jaime don't have any demons like that." You concluded, "Just you and me, and I guess Raven's demon would be Satan himself. We each learned to fight, and defeat or demons."
"I suppose so." Damian agreed, "Now, you've been avoiding treatment."
"Have I?" You sighed, standing as he did, you took his place on the bed as he began to disinfect the cuts on your arms, "The knives that you gave me, they really helped. Thank you again."
"No need to thank me, as I've stated before - preparedness is a prerequisite for victory."
"Is that something your grandfather taught you?" You asked, flinching slightly from the burn and trying to not make any complaints.
"Yes, and my father. Most of what I know is from Grandfather, but I've learned a lot more from the perspective of my father."
"I see. Your father... is Bat Man?"
He nodded firmly, and you smiled as he focused on bandaging your cuts. He was gentle, moving so smoothly as if he's done this a million times over. You took the silence as an opportunity to think about what life would have been like if you hadn't killed my father that day. You wonder if he would have been able to teach you all that you were trying to learn now, and much more, but with a real sense of love.
Was he anything like what that demon portrayed? You wondered, before shutting your eyes, No, that demon was not my father. You have to stop thinking about it, and move on.
"Are you alright, Y/N?"
You hesitated to reply, Damian had finished bandaging you up and you mumbled out a thank you, delicately running your fingers over the gauze. You took a deep breath, bringing up the only other thing you could think of,
"Remember when we first met?" You asked.
"Yes." He replied, his eyes moving up in remembrance, "Why?"
"Well... If it hadn't of been for you, I'd probably still be in that pit of fire, believing I was the child of a God who could never leave. You were the first one who showed me that I was more than that, the first one who cared about me for me instead of who I might be from. I guess, having a near death experience in hell just made me think about how I never thanked you."
"You don't need to thank me, Y/N." He placed a hand on your shoulder, pulling your gaze back to him. He gave you a gracious smile and you almost teared up, having pushed away how heavy a toll this battle had taken on you,
"You don't have to keep pretending to be strong either."
You bit your lip, "Curse you." You grumbled, pulling your hands to your face as you cried, "I didn't want you to see me as weak!"
You felt him kneel down beside you, and you dared to peak through your fingers at him,
"I have never before, and never will, see you as weak."


The team gathered in the main room, a large screen was pulled up with the members of the League, Bat Man up front assuring us that the corrupters had been completely demolished when Raven retrapped Trigon into the crystal. Wonder Woman was the one to truly praise you, saying you should be very proud - especially directing her impress to Star Fire.
Cyborg jumped in through his boom tubes with two boxes of pizza and a grin on his face, freezing up when he met eyes with Bat Man through the screen.
You blinked, you'd only had pizza a few times since it was Garfield's go-to.
After Bat Man's slightly awkward good bye, Cyborg grumbled about awkwardness as he handed one box to an excited, jumping Garfield and opening the other for the rest of you.
You glanced over to where Damian was, sitting on the couch and cleaning his knifes with his legs crossed like the professional weirdo he was. You grabbed two slices and set them down on one of the plates Star Fire had flown off to get.
"Damian." You smiled lightly as he glanced up at you, "I know this isn't anything gourmet, but, you should eat."
He sighed slightly before setting down his sword and taking the plate. He uncrossed his legs as you sat down beside him, crossing your ankles and taking a bite of the food. It was silent for a moment as we ate, Damian was one to complain about many things - but it was clear to you now that he knew who and what to respect, and when to respect it.
"So." He began when he finished, leaning forward to set away his plate, "I see you're feeling better now."
You laughed half heartedly, "Better. But, still thinking too much I suppose."
Damian placed a firm hand on your shoulder, much like Bat Man did when you first met, and you struggled just to turn your head and keep your eyes on his.
"People never stop thinking, accepting those thoughts and why you have them is the only way to move on."
"You're right. Thank you, Damian."
He smiled and you couldn't stop yourself from smiling back. He was flawless from what you could see, his eyes an in depth emerald green, and if you were close enough you could see what looked like gold shards strategically placed around his pupils.
"Now that all this hell bullshit is over, I'd like to invite you to come visit my home."
Your eyes widened at the mention of where Damian lived before he moved in with the Titans, "Are you... sure?"
"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure." He shrugged, his hand left your shoulder, and a cold hand print remained as he leaned back on the couch, "I think it's about time I bring you out of this tower to see some of the real world."
"You would do that for me? Damian!" You grinned, throwing your arms around his neck he tensed in shock,
"You keep on giving me things I don't even deserve." You giggled.
"That's the thing, Y/N... You do deserve them."

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