Shizuo Heiwajima X Reader

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Alright people I just thought id mention that I found this online while I was looking for cute (ahem, hot) pictures of Shizu-chan online and look at this!!!

How to act like Shizu-chan?!? Did anybody else know about this?! Because- I-It's so funny I can't even! You only have to go through 8 steps on Wiki-how to become the strongest man! Or at least act like it!

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How to act like Shizu-chan?!?
Did anybody else know about this?!
Because- I-It's so funny I can't even!
You only have to go through 8 steps on Wiki-how to become the strongest man! Or at least act like it!


"H-hey, listen, Y/N... I love you, okay?"
"Silly, I love you too!"

You didn't know how this could have possibly happened.
Right now, you couldn't even remember what happened, staring at the positive outcome of the pregnancy test.

"Your the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

You loved him with everything you had, and yet you were the one to let him go.

"Get out of my face Shizuo!! I never want to see you again! We're over!"

You stumbled back on your feet, hitting the bathroom wall of your apartment that you had recently moved back into from Shizuo's place, you slowly slid down to the ground.
You were terrified, but that was really was the least of it.
He would always smile at you, he would be so gentle with you.
You gave him everything, and now you carry his child, and who knows where he could be right now.
You haven't seen nor heard from Shizuo in weeks, and only recently did you come to realize you might have been pregnant, especially from the late period and the throwing up almost every morning - not to mention the amount of food you consumed on a daily basis out of no where.
You stared at the test, your hands shaking, tears fell from your eyes.


You had so many things you wanted to say, but the only person you could think of talking to was Shizuo.
He was your best friend, your lover, it's not like you had many other friends to begin with - he was the only one that you got along with best.

Before you knew it, you were dialling his number on your cell phone, the pregnancy test on the floor, forgotten but only for a second as you put the phone to your ear.
It rang once, twice, then a third time before he picked up.
"Hello?" He answered, his voice grumbly.
"Shizuo, I'm so sorry!" Was all you could blurt into the phone.
"Huh? Y/N-chan?"
"I'm scared Shizuo... I-I don't know what to do... And, and-"
"Wait, hold on a second, what's wrong?"
A sob escaped your throat, "I need you Shizuo. I need you, I can't do this alone."
"What the hell are you goin' on about, Y/N?"
"Dammit Shizuo! I'm pregnant!" You screamed, breaking down and crying again.
You heard a muffled smash, and you waited for Shizuo to say something, but the line went dead, and then the only sound was the phone buzzing and crackling.
"Sh-Shizuo..?" You whispered, "Shizuo?" Your voice cracked as you shivered by yourself in the seemingly dark bathroom.
"Y/N!!" You gasped as a loud bang rung through your apartment, and as you looked up, Shizuo ran right past the bathroom door, that flew open from the wind force.
You ears him stop, and blinked as he came running back and into the bathroom, kneeling down in front of you.
He huffed, "Are you sure?" He began.
You picked up the test, and showed it to him, nodding you sniffled.
"I'm sorry Shizuo, but I can't do this alone, I still love you, and so-" The blonde cut you off, throwing his arms comfortingly tight around you and holding you close to his chest.
"It's okay, really. I still love you too, damnit. I won't ever leave you again alright, I'm gonna stay and help you with the... Child..."
"I'm scared." You admitted, clutching his shirt.
"Yeah... So am I..." He mumbled under his breath, but quickly cleared his throat as you perked your head up at him, "Uh, how about we go to Shinra? Hell know exactly what to do and what you need and stuff."
"That's a good idea."
Shizuo smiled sheepishly, "Thanks."
You rolled your eyes, backing up from his hold you wiped away your tears,
"Come on, I'll take you to Shinra's, then, we can go home."
"Of course. I told you I wouldn't leave you again, didn't I?" He said, raising an eyebrow you giggled, letting him carry you bridal style all the way to Shinra's.


You held your daughter in your arms, Shizuo by your side. She had your H/C hair and his nose.
"Ne, Shizuo, since we have D/N now, you can't be fighting with Izaya anymore."
"Huh?! What do you mean?"
"No more fighting, dammit, I swear you come with even one scratch from that mans blade Shizuo Heiwajima, I will make you both kiss! You will not be getting into fights and coming home with blood on your skin with our daughter around!! And no more smoking!!"
"A-alright.... Wait?! No smoking too?!"
"Shizuo! Do you want or daughter to die from lung cancer!?"
"Aw, man..."

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