Sinbad X Reader

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"Hey! Sinbad!" You called running down towards him with Ja'far by his side. Sin as was like a brother to you at first, since he took you in and helped you get over the death of your father and the fact that you'd be living with your fathers killer.
Ja'far and you are on much better terms now, and that brother version of Sin, turned into so much more in the years that you spent together.
"Ah! Y/N! We were just talking about you."
"All good things!" Ja'far quickly said.
You smiled up at the three, a tall blonde and a much shorter child with royal blue hair in a braid, and a girl with pink hair that looked just like ---
"These three are our guests. Alibaba, Aladin, and Morgianna."
"Nice to meet you all!" You bowed slightly to pay your respects, and Alibaba scratched the back of his head saying hi in return.
"Where were you, Y/N?" Sinbad suddenly asks.
"I was... I was in the forest."
"And." He rose a brow.
"If you know then why are you asking!?"
"Oh here we go." Ja'far sighed.
"Were you or were you not fighting off stray attackers in the deep forests?"
"Maybe I was."
"They do this a lot don't they?" The little boy named Aladin asked.
"You are not aloud to leave the castle without an escort anymore."
"What?!" You yelled.
"Sin! You can't be serious!"Ja'far began.
"I thought you said this was normal?" Morgianna asked.
"The arguing is! You see, Y/N is an adventurous girl, and once, she got herself terribly hurt and Sinbad had to go and save her. From then on when she went out to the forests to train, Sinbad and her would end up arguing. It's never gone this far before." Ja'far explained
"Just who do you think I am?!" You asked, enraged.
"I think your reckless! And you are going to get yourself killed!"
"One time! One time but I'm stronger now! Better than I was then! If you'd just-"
"Just listen to me-"
"No! No going beyond castle grounds without an escort."
"You jerk! What am I to you?!" You snapped as Sinbad began to turn away.
"Why are you asking? My orders are clear."
"Orders!" You growled.
Sinbad turned his head and glared,
"I am nothing but a slave to you! A slave without a leash! And now... Now your chaining me back up." You looked at your hands, not daring to look at his face that probably had no emotion on it.
Sinbad was a player, he didn't usually show his true emotions.
"I hate you Sinbad. I wish you left me to die with my father!"
"Y/N!" Ja'far yelled.
You chocked on your next breath of air. Ja'far was your fathers killer. Not only was that offensive to Sinbad but it was offensive to Ja'far.
"I am so sorry that you had to witness this." Yo glanced at Alibaba and the others before turning and running off the other way.


"That was kinda harsh don't you think?" You heard a voice say from outside my room.
"It was." A girl responded.
You went up to the door and peeked through the key hole, it was the three from earlier.
"Which room did he say it was again?" Alibaba asked, stopping and looking around.
Sinbad sent them after me? You thought.
"Let's try this one. I'm pretty sure it's somewhere around here." The small boys smile was large, and looked invincible.
You stepped back from the door as there was a knock on it.
"Hello? Y/N? It's me Aladin! Ja'far sent us to check on you!" He spoke happily.
You slowly opened the door, seeing the three on the other end. Alibaba looked slightly worried and Morgianna had no emotion what so ever. Aladin was smiling at you.
You suddenly felt the urge to cover your breasts, but you ignored it and turned into the room, letting them follow you in.
"What was that about? Ja'far said you got hurt one time and-"
"Back when I had first gotten my Djinn."
"Your a vessel holder?" Alibaba asked.
"Yes. I was weaker then, and had gone out on my own deep in the forest because I thought I would be fine.
I got pretty badly wounded, and Sinbad was luckily just in time to blast that monster off before it could deliver its final blow. I was bed ridden for days...When I finally got out Sinbad seemed so much more protective." You explained, hugging your sides, you sat on the edge of your bed.
"I see. So Sinbad is just worried about you." The young boy titled his head still smiling as he spoke.
You looked at him, "Even if he was worried, how would I figure it out?"
"It's simple. The way he's being so over protective of you. You don't like it of course, but he doesn't care because he just wants you safe." The boy explained.
"Yes. That does make sense for him going to such drastic measures." Morgianna spoke up.
You slumped your shoulders, guilt hitting you like a tsunami.
Alibaba put a hand on your shoulder, "Just say your sorry, show him you understand and that you will stay safe. That's all you can do really." He laughed slightly, his eyes golden against your E/C.
"Okay. I will. Tomorrow."

"B-b-b-but I need more time to prepare!" You blurted as Alibaba threw you over his shoulder and began carrying you towards Sinbad's office.
"You have to do it now or it'll be to late!" He responded.
"But I-"
"What is the meaning of this?" Sinbad's voice was strong and sounded annoyed.
You suppressed your anger and reminded yourself of the guilt you held.
Alibaba set you on your feet and you turned towards Sinbad.
"Sin... I... I'm sorry." You mumbled.
"I'm sorry, pardon me?"
"I'm sorry okay!" You took a breath, "I don't really hate you Sin. What I said was stupid, but I want you to know that I'm not as reckless as I was then! I'm stronger now and it's because of you! It's because you were so hard on me getting hurt like that. I'm guilty, I'm stupid. But I learned from every mistake I've made." You clenched your fists, and took a great risk in stepping forward and throwing your arms around Sin, your face pressed into his chest.
"I'm sorry! I really am! For getting hurt, and for arguing with you... For saying the things I've said! Because I don't hate you Sin, I love you! I can't lose you."
You could feel Sin slowly smile from above, his arms snaked around your small body and held you closer before pulling away.
Hands on your shoulders his smile didn't fade but only grew, "Thank goodness. For a second, I thought you were serious!" Sinbad laughed off his sadness, "I love you too."

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