Neito Monoma X Reader

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I'm still as messed up as ever
Also I'm back now, obviously.
I'm going to be publishing a four... Or six, I can't even remember how many parts damnit- mini story of a Saruhiko Fushimi X OC (Separate book) in the next week, but for now I'll publish this one shot as a comeback I guess.
Also I've been pulled into the vast and blissful void of BTS.
Also again this one shot is long as crap so yeah

Neito's kind of a jerk but this came to me so whatever. AND DON'T MISS THIS

AH ADORABLE Also for the third time some explanation that 'your' power for this MHA one shot is super speed, but the overuse of your quirk results in loss of feeling in your legs, leading to the need for a use of a wheel chair

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Also for the third time some explanation that 'your' power for this MHA one shot is super speed, but the overuse of your quirk results in loss of feeling in your legs, leading to the need for a use of a wheel chair.
Hopefully you have the patience to read that bit.
Okay I'm done.


After the sports festival, Recovery girl couldn't do so much for you in the fact that you couldn't feel your legs. You over used your quirk more than you ever had, and like you were a little kid again, unable to control it, you were stuck in a wheel chair until the feeling came back.
You managed to get to the elevator in time, it seemed like a lot of kids were taking the elevator today too.
You were hoping it would be relatively empty, so that no one would be staring at you... Even though they were already staring any way.
A UA student in a wheel chair? What a joke.
You sighed, turning the chair to face the doors and watching as another student made it inside at the last second.
"My my." He began, looking down at me, "Your in class 1-A aren't you? And in a wheel chair?" He laughed, and you recognized him as Monoma from class 1-B, "You should leave before they kick you out. What's a hero that can't even walk? Don't worry though, I'll take your place."
"Shut up already!" You stiffened, glancing up and behind you at Bakugo of all people, taking place behind you and grabbing onto the wheels chairs handles, "This is only temporary, idiot, so why don't you scurry on off with your tail between your legs before I blow you six feet under!"
The boy scoffed before turning back around, walking off as the doors opened. Bakugo wheeled me the rest of the way to class, and you sat silently, feeling slightly uncomfortable and afraid to say anything.
You suppose even Bakugo could be nice, usually you'd expect him to pretend like he didn't know you, especially with you like this.
"Just be quiet, chatter-bug." He hissed.
You nodded, keeping your mouth shut. You don't think Bakugo knew your real name, so he called you chatter-bug because you tended to talk a lot. He moved to open the door to the class room, and Aizawa sensei's words of 'You're late' were cut off as he landed his eyes on me.
"Ah. Good to see you'll be with us today Y/N."
Good save. You thought, nodding to Aizawa-San as Bakugo wheeled you to your seat beside him, moving your chair and placing the wheel chair in place of it.
You thanked him and he ignored you as he sat down. You could feel everyone's gazes on you, and you did your best to pretend like you couldn't as you worked on your notes.
Later that morning, Aizawa told the class to change and meet outside, before humming as he looked at you.
"Y/N, you can stay and look over the notes for the exam, alright? Some extra studying could do everyone in here good. You won't miss much with this lesson, so don't worry."
Everyone got up and filed out without really giving you a second glance, and you watched as one by one they left.
Your heart beat started to escalate for some reason, and your eyes widened as the last person left, your chest squeezing in pain.
Don't tell me... They really are leaving me here all alone? You thought to yourself.
You sat staring at the door for a good five minutes, the pain continuous and making it almost hard to breath. You swallowed and ripped your gaze from the shut door to the windows, leaning forward as far as you could to see your class gather around Aizawa as they walked to the field.
They've just forgotten me?
You took in a shaking breath, before letting yourself collapse over your desk, head in your arms in the now somewhat darkened room as you cried.
You were all alone now, so you could sob all you needed.
They wouldn't be coming back for you any time soon.
There was a sudden knock on the door and then a sliding sound, "Excuse me, I just-"
You sniffed, looking up and blinking from your place on the desk to the boy at the door. He stared at you with wide eyes, frozen in place.
"Where is everyone?" He coughed out.
you looked down, unable to answer, afraid you'd start crying again. The boy was Neito Monoma, and he'd no doubt mock you for it.
"I was sent to deliver some papers." He continued.
"You can just leave them on the counter and go." You breathed out, your voice cracking much to your dismay.
You listened as Neito slowly walked in and set the papers down, and instead of him running out like you expected, his foot steps came closer as you hiccuped.
"Y/N right? Can I call you that?" He asked hesitantly.
You nodded.
"Where is everyone?" He asked again, and you looked out the window, seeing them in the far distance, he got the memo quickly,
"They just left you here all alone?"
You nodded again, "You should just take my place, Monoma. I'm worthless in a wheelchair." You whispered.
"B-but it's only temporary right? You just can't really feel your legs, but you can still move them, correct?"
You slowly looked up to him, he had a strong worry in his eyes and you wondered why he wasn't making fun of you. You should be his enemy, he hates the 1-A class students.
"How about you try it. Can you stand up?" He began hesitantly.
Slowly you turned your wheelchair to face him. You took a breath as you unbuckled the strap on your legs and moved to stand.
Your legs shook slightly, but you were able to stand up. You looked into his blue eyes hesitantly, and he quickly stepped forward and threw his arms around you.
You gasped, stiffening, looking at the side of his head and his bright blonde hair in confusion.
"I'm sorry, I can't do anything more to help you." He whispered to me.
The feeling of tears came back and you ducked your head, your vision blurry.
You sobbed lightly into his shirt and he shushed you, telling you he knew what it was like to feel helpless.
You thought he was going to say something mean, push you over and run out, but he didn't.
You slowly calmed down as you realized that that wasn't on his mind at all, and stayed against him for a little longer after you regained your breath.
Slowly, you moved to pull back. He kept his hands on your arms, your own clinging to his for the extra balance.
"I'm sorry, your shirts wet." You began.
He smiled, "It's okay, water dries."
"You should get back to class, Monoma-San." You said.
He shook his head, "I'm not going to leave you alone like those assholes."
You finally felt a small smile grace your features, "You were so mean to me earlier..." You began.
He frowned, "I'm sorry about that. Please forget I said anything."
"I know that the entrance exam is hard, I almost failed myself."
You nodded, "What was I to do? Trample the robots? I ended up over using my quirk with only a few hits and was in a wheel chair for the rest of summer."
"Your in that chair a lot huh?"
"Yeah. Originally when I came here it was because my grandfather thought I could do it. So I did, for him. But now I think I'm going to become a hero and change the entrance exam so that more people can get in. Your quirk is copying right? I think that's really cool!"
Monoma chuckled, "Thank you. I watched your battle, you were amazing yourself."
You grinned, "Hey Monoma? You may say mean things but your really nice aren't you?"
He blinked, a light blush spreading over his cheeks.
"Toasted marshmallow." You mumbled.
"S-so what are you working on?"
"Oh. I had my math homework out." You said, "But it's hard and I hate it."
Monoma chuckled, "How about we work on it together on the board?"
"But I can't..."
"Simple. I'll carry you."
"Are you- whoa!" You laughed as you held onto Monoma, he picked you up like a toddler and held you on his waist with one arm.
You clung to him like a koala and he walked up to the board, pulling out a wheelie desk chair from Aizawa-san's computer desk and setting me down in it. You thanked him, You were a lot more free to move in this wheeled chair than my other one.
You half worked on the math and half didn't, joking around most of the time. You began to think that Monoma was purposely trying to be funny, but it didn't matter to you, it was working and you were having fun.
"Hmm let's stop this." He suddenly said, placing the chalk down.
"What do we do now then?" You asked, to which he turned to you and smiled.
"Let's practice walking!"
"Eh? B-b-but-"
"The wheel chairs only temporary, as that asshole-explosive-baby said earlier, so the more you practice the sooner it should go away."
"You think so? I've never tried that." You said.
"Well there's a first time for everything. I'll stand here," Monoma began, standing about five feet away from me, "And you walk to me."
You nodded, using the ledge of the board to help you stand, you let go and took a breath, stepping forward once, and then another time.
Your feet were moving, you knew that, but you couldn't feel it, and on your third step you stumbled over into Monoma's hold.
"That was good!" He grinned and you smiled lightly in reply, "Just give me one-" He cut himself off, and suddenly you were up in his hold bridal style.
You blushed slightly, looking up to Monoma and following his gaze to the window.
"Looks like they're heading back now." He said. It might have been just you, but he sounded disappointed.
"We should get you back in your chair. Unless, you want them to find us like this." Monoma smirked down at you and you quickly smacked his chest, to which he laughed and brought you over to your chair, slowly and gently letting you go in it.
"You good?" He asked.
You nodded, fixing up your skirt and putting the belt over your legs back on.
"Thank you, Monoma-San." You said, looking up at him.
"No problem. I mean, your a little heavy but-"
"That's just because you have no strength!" You blurted, embarrassed.
He only laughed some more, scratching the back of his head,
"You should come to my dojo, you could train with me and then gain some muscles." You began.
"Are you asking me out on a date, Y/N?"
"No." You pouted, "But I would like to hang out more."
He smiled, leaning over and grabbing my pencil, he scribbled something down in the side of your notebook before walking off and grabbing the papers.
He turned back to you, "Then it's a date."
Your eyes widened slightly, the door opened and Aizawa stopped at the sight of Monoma.
"I was sent to deliver these papers, but no one seemed to be here."
"Oh I see." Aizawa stepped forward and took the sheets, "You weren't waiting long where you?"
Monoma glanced at me, smiling, "Not at all, Aizawa-San. I'll be off now."
"See you." Aizawa replied lazily, the rest of the class walking in.
You stared down at my paper, running your fingers lightly over the number on your page. His writing was neat and you could read it perfectly.
You shook your head absentmindedly at Uraraka-San as she asked you if you 'weren't too lonely'.
Who would have thought that the seeming villain would be my hero?

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