Levi X Mute!Reader Prt 2

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Speaking a few words after many years of not even making a sound was one thing. Now there's laughing.
And they won't stop with the laughing.
"C'mon Y/N! Why won't you laugh at anything?!" Connie whined.
"Maybe if... No already tried that." Eren trailed off.
You sighed, sneaking another glance at Levi as he sipped his tea. As he put his cup down, he met your gaze and narrowed his eyes a bit more. You made a slight 'help me' look and he looked to the side at Eren and the others, turning back yourself you cringing at the sight of Sasha with a potato with a sloppy drawn face on it in one hand and a marker in the other.
"Isn't it hilarious?!" Sasha exclaimed.
You rolled your eyes, of course Sasha's attempts to make you laugh all included food.
You slowly rose from your seat and nodded at the group, before turning away and walking out of the mess hall. Sure you had spoken, and you spoke a few words now a days still getting used to all of this talking business.
Laughing was on a completely different level, and you just didn't see a reason to be laughing at anything when you all lived in a world with Titan's who eat humans for blood lust, and you, the Scouting Legion, stepped outside the protective walls to test humanities limits against those monsters.
You lost people every day, you lost the only family you had left... And yet they continue to laugh at some of the smallest things.
You stopped your walk and looked out the window, outside the sun shown down onto the grass and in the distance you caught sight of the track that was made by countless punished scouts having to run laps, and more over towards the left would be the stables.
You quickly made your way out of the castle and into the fields. You needed something to do, something to get your mind off of everything.
Like laughing.
Hange making you do some of her work load only because you had to converse with Levi to do it, and for some reason when ever you ask her why she blushes and blabbers about your hidden love.
You threw your jacket off from the heat of the sun, and made your way out to the stables. Conrad, your horse, was a golden coloured Stallion and was very brave. He did the impossible for you, training every day. He was fast and strong willed.
He breathed out and nudged his head towards you as you came into view. Putting his reins on you led him out of the stables and into the sun. He sneezed and you smiled slightly, holding his jaw in your hands you remembered having to tell Jerald's wife and son he was dead, and that might have been the worst part of the entire experience.
Your eyes saddened and you place your forehead on your horses. He stood still, it was like a bonding moment, only listening to the wind. Since you couldn't necessarily talk at all before, he was used to your body language as everyone else was.
"Y/N." You rose your head from Conrad's and looked towards the voice, Levi stood with his usual stoic and bored looking face. Your jacket was in his hands and he slowly rose a brow at you.
"If your done making out with your horse, you can take your dirty disgusting jacket back."
You blinked at him. Making out... With my horse?
Your body shook slightly and you covered your mouth as a foreign sound left your throat.
Levi looked confused when you popped an eye back open, trying to compose yourself. His dumbfounded face was the last straw, and you fell to your knees clutching your squeezing stomach as you laughed.
It felt good, it felt amazing, like some kind of medicine Hange gave you for an experiment.
It was odd, it felt wrong almost but it was to good to let go. This is why people laughed, because it helps them get through the day.
"What the hell are you giggling about brat?" You looked up to see Levi now standing in front of you, his expression was the same, but as you calmed down you noticed something in his eyes.
He dropped your jacket on your face and you coughed, ripping it off you sneezed from the dust.
"Tt. That's what you get for leaving your jacket in the dirt."
"Hey, Levi?" You began, looking up at Humanities Strongest he knelt down to be level with you. You followed his eyes, and they never left yours. They were grey, but, up close they looked more like the musky sky in the afternoons, when the sun was covered by the clouds.
"You laughed." He said for you.
"Thank you." you blurted, you suppose the 'help me' look did mean 'get me away from these freaks' but helping you laugh works too.
"No need to thank me, all I did was say a bunch of shit. Your the one who found it hilarious for some reason."
Oh. That works too.
Levi rolled his eyes, looking over towards Conrad before back at me.
You were actually rather close, and as Conrad nudged you forward, your lips met Levi's softly, both of you stiffening from the contact. You went to quickly pull away and apologize, but Levi's hand flew up to the back of your head holding you in place and keeping your lips pressed together. You took a sharp breath through your nose as you continued, your arms rising up and around his neck. His other hand held your upper arm in a firm grip, making you more excited.
You moaned as you pulled apart, looking back into his eyes that stared deeply into yours.
He smirked, and you swallowed slowly. You just kissed Captain freaking Levi... and he kissed back. You smiled slightly, not exactly sure what to do or even say next, speaking was definitely the last thing on your mind right now.
"Brat." Levi mumbled, "Don't you dare be laughing in front of that Yeager kid, unless I'm the reason."
"Yes sir." You smirked back.

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