Shou Kurusu X Reader

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S/N - Stage Name
Tatsuo, Nabuo, Mitsuo - Brothers
Okay I know you just wanna get to the one shot (that's kind of bad btw) I must do his because Shou-chan is so undeniably adorable!

S/N - Stage Name Tatsuo, Nabuo, Mitsuo - Brothers Okay I know you just wanna get to the one shot (that's kind of bad btw) I must do his because Shou-chan is so undeniably adorable!

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"Hello, boys~"
"Uh-Mr. Shining-san, sir-" Ittoki stuttered out.

"Her stage name is S/N. Her real name is unknown. She comes from a different arts school, a rivals of mine." Mr. Shinning Satom sang, "This girl is nothing but your competition!"

"I thought I'd come and see how things were going- who are you talking too now, hmmmm?"
All the boys turned to face the man, trying to block you from his view, but they all gulped as Shining Satom gasped dramatically, "H/C hair, three brothers, and you, old man, Saki...."
"Sir, we just bumped into her!" Ittoki tried,
"She's a fan, sir!" Shou added.
"What did I tell you?! Do not get sucked in by her smile! Com-pe-ti-tion!!!"
"We're sorry, sir!"
"What's he going on about?" You asked.
"I knew it." Tatsuo began.
"What do you mean?" Mitsuo asked.
"The Starish boys think bad of us, only as their competition. They're trying to get us on their side so they can stab us in the back later."
"But they're so nice, Ren calls me a-"
"Don't you see it's all fake?"
"What?" The boys sighed at you, you were their innocent little sister, though even Mitsuo was disapointed. Ittoki was his inspiration.
"Say your goodbyes boys you will never be meeting with this girl again!"
"Shining, sir, you are letting fame control you."
"Don't give me your fake elderly teachings, Saki... I know what I'm doing!"
"Mr. Sakura is a great man!" You defended.
Shining glared at the girl, "Stay away from my boys!"
You faltered, fear over taking your eyes at the sudden darkness of the man you used to watch on T.V as a kid. All the Starish boys frowned at this, you was such an innocent little girl.
"Let's go! Now~!" And the man began to lead the way.
The boys turned to you, not risking even saying goodbye they began to follow Shinning. Shou was the only one left, and he slowly took off his fadora.
"Here. I want you to have it. It might be a long time before we see each other again." Shou swiftly shoved something in the hat and handed it to you.
"Why, Shou?"
"I'm sorry, S/N."
"It's Y/N. But don't tell anyone..."
Shou's eyes widened slightly at the reveal of your name, "Alright."
"Shou!! Kurusu Shou! Let's go!"
"Shou wait- don't go- you're my favourite, you guys, your-"
"Inspiration right?" Shou smiled, "You've said... goodbye, Y/N. Till next time."

You held the fadora close to your chest, and your eyes were filled with sadness as you mumbled back a 'see you later' watching Shou, the seemingly nicest one of them all as well, walk away as if it was forever.
You didn't know why, you had basically just met them, hadn't even made real friends with them. They probably still just thought of you as a fan. And that broke something in you. It broke you, and the crack was small, but deep in your soul.
And lyrics flooded into your mind.
In that building you sat, your brothers music all around you, playing on your headphones, lyrics were written furosioulsy in the space provided.
"Y/N, let's go home..."
You ignored him for another two minutes, finishing the fifth song.
"You've been here for hours." Nabuo tried again.
"Fine. Let's go." You stood, grabbing Shou's fadora, but as you did you noticed a small peice of paper fall out of it.
Slowly picking it up, curiosity taking over your actions, you studied the side of the thick paper that used to be the corner of a starish poster before turning it over, to reveal a number.
And you grinned.

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