Death The Kid x Reader

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M-W/N : Miester - weapons / name


What is it, father?" I asked, approaching the man in the black cloak with the voice made so little children won't be afraid of him.
I sighed, as he turned around and blabbered a bunch of 'Heyo's' and called me kiddo.
"Well, Kid, I bet your wondering why I only called you as a miester." I nodded, hands in my pockets as I stared contently at my masked parent.
"Well, a small job request was sent to me for you specificity. A girl partner would be good as well, but the man doesn't want any weapons coming along."
"So only Meister? What's the catch?"
"You must watch a very valuably young lady. " My father announced cheerfully.
"You want me to babysit?" I coughed, thinking of all the horrible asymmetrical things that came with wild children. Especially spoiled ones.
"This littles girl, is very mature for her age, kid. I now you'll like her. Trust me. I'm thinking you should take a female partner with you, since the little girl might feel more comfortable that way."
Y/N crossed my mind right away, and as I was about to ask more questions, like, what in the world were we protecting this girl from, and, why is she so valuable and why the heck would I get a private request for it. Also, why only Meisters?
"Have some one in mind? Go ask her to come. Report back to me before you leave."
"Right, thank you, father." I walked out, slowly through the hallway of death back to the school. Why did I just walk out like that? I should have asked more questions! Not like he would tell me anyways.
How am I supposed to explain to my symmetrical girlfriend that her weapon isn't aloud? W-M/N will think it's suspicious!
Maybe W-M/N trusts me? Doubt it. That girl is so blunt that I'm unable to read her.
"Kid!" I herd a familiar voice call, waving a hand in front of my face.
I looked up, "Your out of it again. Come on, let's go home." She slipped her hand in mine and began matching my pace as she walked, me staring at our feet.
"Hey Kid, wanna tell me what's bothering you?" She asked, her voice going soft and delicate.
I matched my eyes to hers, worry, fairly evident. "It's my father." I blurted.
"What happened?" She asked anxiously.
"He wants me to go on some kind of babysitting mission, no weapons aloud."
"Er, babysitting? Without weapons?"
"Yes. No weapons, and apparently she's really valuable. He also wanted me to take a female companion so the child felt more comfortable."
"So, who where you thinking about taking?"
"Is it not obvious?"
I sighed, smiling slightly, " Will you go with me?"
"Of course! I just hope she's symmetrical." Y/N smiled brightly.
I felt my eyes glow, "Me too!!"


You banged on the door, duffle bag in hand.
"Kid!" You knocked eight times straight again, making sure your count was perfect.
Because yes, you loved to please your boyfriend.
"N/N?" Liz opened the door, bags under her eyes.
Didn't get your makeup on yet, now did you lizzy? You giggled slightly at yourself as you let yourself in.
"Your here for the job with Kid right?" She yawned.
"KID! N/N'S HERE!" Liz screamed, causing you to wince as you heard a thump and some rustling through the silence.
You looked down at yourself skinny jeans with a F/C v-neck on. Your boots were short boots, that folded over outwards and tended to flow in the wind. Your H/C hair was brushed and left down, symmetrically of course.
"Y/-" Kid cut him self off when you shot him a glare. You hated when people called you by your real name, Kid being one of the only few that even knew what it was. Still, even though you told him he was the only exception, it was still only to be used when you were alone.
"Er N/N, just give me a second." Kid bolted back up the stairs, only to casually come back down seconds later in casual clothing with a casual black bag. Black pants, probably from his suit, and a white button up with the sleeves rolled up just past his elbows.
Even the wrinkles were symmetrical.
You had tried to match his incredible look at things, but you just can't. You don't know how he does it.
"Okay, Kid, ready?"
"Ya." He paused, "WAIT!" You froze.
There was a long moment of silence, as you were afraid to move.
"Okay. It's now 8, we can leave." He smiled, walking ahead of your dumbfounded state, holding the door open for you, you sighed before walking with him to the school. You had to check in with Death before leaving.

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