Misaki Yata X Reader

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Okay so funny story
Any of you guys watch those nightcore switching vocals videos? I do sometimes, but, when I do, I always imagine the people from the pictures that are lighting up in colour are actually singing...
Who said Misaki-chan couldn't sing?
Oh and just as a heads up the said 'Rei' mentioned in this one shot is your little brother!!

You giggled, sitting on Misaki's lap with his arm around your waist, his other fiddling with his phone.
It was around 3:30 in the afternoon and Misaki and You were both on your phones, cuddling on the couch with the TV on talking about some lame cover girl product for the millionth time in the last ten minutes.
"Look at this Misaki-chan!"
Misaki grumbled something about how that name was too girly for him, and how his first name alone was bad enough as he looked away from his phone to mine.
"Whoa..." He mumbled, a small blush rising on his cheeks.
For some reason, you thought it would be fun to go online shopping for extravagant clothing, and so here you are like total losers looking at the weirdest shit ever.
"That's actually kind of cool... Is there a red one? I like you in red." Misaki placed his fingers on your phone and searched for the colour selection as you smiled at his focused expression.
"I'm sure there is. But I've never bought anything online before so I dunno..."
"You don't have to actually get it." Misaki shrugged, "I just think it'd be hot- I mean-"
You kissed the boys red cheeks and he gave you a sheepish smile. You've been dating for about two months now, and despite the fact that Misaki was your first kiss, first boy friend, and will probably be first everything else, you still had to say that he was the best boyfriend ever.
You mean, he would never hurt a girl, and you know that he would never even try to hurt you. Well, at least, not intentionally.
"Oi, Y/N. Your spacin' out. Everything okay?"
"Yeah. Just a little bit tired I guess." You scratched the side of your head, reaching back and pulling the hair elastic slowly out of your hair. It had been tied back pretty tightly all day, and having it down now stung.
Misaki rose a hand and gently massaged your scalp as you leaned against him. With his other hand he began switching channels to find something interesting to watch.
And if all else failed you'd go to the video games.
"Wha- the fuck is this?" Misaki began. I looked up from his white shirt to the screen, seeing Tree House playing.
"When..." He looked so confused, his eye brow twitches slightly as he narrowed his eyes at the screen, as if it would give him all the answers he needed if he looked at it like that long enough.
You couldn't help but laugh, "Sorry, Misaki-Chan. Rei was over the one day remember? He wanted to watch TV so I turned on the tree house channel."
"It's fine..." He grumbled, quickly switching it as some Barbie commercial came on, "But honestly how does he even last through any of that?"
"He may hang out with a family that happens to be a gang, but, he's also still just a kid Misaki-chan."
"Right, sure. The kids probably dying inside, I'm surprised his eyes don't start bleeding."
As you laughed some more, Misaki seemed to pause at another channel, and music started to play from it.
"Hey I know this song..." You began in between laughs.
"Yeah I've heard it before too..." Both Misaki and you sat in silence, trying to name the song as it got closer to the chorus.
"Oh!" You began at the chorus, "It's Cheap Thrills by Sia!"
"We all know that now." You bumped Misaki on the head with your fist and he wailed a pathetic, 'hey!' as you ripped off his beanie and threw it away behind you. He pouted as you danced to the music, the grumpy Yatagarasu quickly picked the remote back up in search for another channel.


"Rei!" You yelped as you lurched up from the bed, another nightmare. They weren't as frequent as they were before, but they still came to bite you every once and a while. Just as if they were begging you not to forget them...
"Yuri? You alright?"
"Huh?" You looked down to Misaki who rubbed his eyes, slowly sitting up beside me. He was in a tight thin tank top and boxers, his hair a mess. You smiled lightly, that's probably why he wears that beanie, "I-I'm alright." You responded as he looked at me tiredly, "Just worried is all."
"I called F/N about Rei before we went to bed remember?"
"Oh, yeah..."
"Nightmare again?" You nodded and he slowly tugged you back down to the comfort of the bed. He wrapped his arms around you, one hand rested against the back of your head, holding you close to his chest. You could hear his heart beat, and his warmth surrounding you was one of the best feelings. You let out a deep breath as Misaki slowly pat your head.
"You're safe. Everyone's safe now."
Cuddling further into him, you gave him all your trust.


"Up with it girl, rock with it girl, show them it girl, bada bang bang~"
You groggily rose from your sleeping position, snatching your phone off the bed side table to check the time. It was ten am, and Misaki was gone from beside you. The light of the sun shone in from the half open curtain in the boys room, and and you looked away from it back to the sweet sound coming from outside the comfort of the bed.
"Bounce with it girl, get with it girl, bada bang bang~"
You slowly rose out of the bed, being as quiet as you could you snuck out of Misaki's bedroom, following his singing voice.
"I love cheep thrills!"
You smiled as he hummed to the music, "Your worth more than diamonds more than gold~"
Clutching your phone in your hands, you placed your back against the wall right outside of the bathroom door, looking away from Misaki dancing and singing to turn on the video camera.
You rose up the phone, being as stealthy as you could - but then again there was a high chance he wouldn't notice.
"Me and you girl, you and me, drop it to the floor and make me see your energy because- I don't play no hide and seek, wanna see the day you gonna make me feel weak girl!" You blinked, you never even considered the fact that Misaki could sing before... but rapping too? He's he best!
"Cause any time you move your body, do selector and put it on repeat girl~ I'm nah touch a dollar in my pocket, case nothin in this world is more than what you're worth!"
You blushed slightly, you couldn't help thinking he was singing about you.
"No, no money no~ oh~"
And his harmony voice too holy! "Oh I am so sending this to Saruhiko!"
"Eh!? Y-Yuri?!"
You gasped, quickly stopping the video you put your hands up, "N-No Misaki, don't stop, you have a great voice!"
"T-Thanks... I mean! You little! Give me that phone!"
"Wha no wait! I'll even sing with you!"
"No way in hell!"
"Ahh! Don't delete it I love it!"

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