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Yo yo yo!
Sorry I haven't updated in a while Lot's a stuff going on in the life right know you know?
Like, for example, freaking AOT season 2 episode one?! Like spoilers people - I couldn't move for like five whole minutes after it ended. Mikes death- how he was screaming?! Like ack! And then the Beast Titan like holy shit I can't. I can't even.
But Levi makes it all better so it's good.
And then, just to cheer things up a little Boku No Hero Academia season two buds this is gonna be a good year.
Soooo request request request (btw's sorry I won't actually do all of them...)
So yeah! Enjoy life with fanfiction right?
Oh and I just thought I should mention Klance has taken over my mind and trapped me in this freaking amazing abyss.
I think I had to many chocolate chips on my waffles this morning.

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