Keith Kogane X Reader

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"Oh Y/N~!" My eyes widened as Allura came running towards you like a creepy witch on a mission.
You shouldn't have watched that ghost movie with Keith last year! You told yourself, putting a hand up in slight fear of Allura smashing into you.
"Hello!" She cheered, stopping hard in front of you.
"Hello?" You replied, looking to the side and back to her shimmering eyes. Everyone was getting ready for the party of alliance and goodbye to the Arusian's planet that the castle of lions had resided on, and you were just headed to check on where Pidge was (probably stuck in front of her computer) when Allura interrupted your mini mission.
"So, the party is merely an hour away, and I was just looking through my closest, and there's a beautiful dress that would fit you perfectly!"
You furrowed my eye brows, "Are you sure?"
"Yes!" Allura grabbed your hand and you were being dragged back to her room before you could even think about whether you really wanted to wear the dress or not.
You stood in her room as she laid out not one, or two, but four different dresses for you to choose from for the party.
"I think this one would be the best!" She exclaimed, grinning as she pointed to a long violet and white gown.
"Yes, actually, I'll choose this one." You agreed, picking it up. You had never gotten to wear a gown like this back on Earth, but in all honesty, you were really happy Allura dragged you here.
"I knew you would like it." She cooed happily, helping you change and doing up your hair in a bun, "You're so beautiful, Y/N."
"You think so?" You replied, your smile slightly fading. Keith doesn't think so...
"Your thinking about something? Or... Someone?"
You moved your eyes to Allura, "Yes... Its true. Someone."
"Might it be, Keith? The red paladin? With silky long black hair and dark purple eyes - a hot headed but attractive attitude?"
You frowned, raising a brow at her odd attitude. But she was right, you really did have feelings for Keith. You nodded in reply to her, feeling to afraid to say it out loud.
"Don't worry! The second he sees you in this, there's no doubt he'll be drooling over you!"
"If you say so," You replied, giggling lightly.

When you finally got the courage to show yourself, the party had already begun. You came in behind Keith, your heart racing.
Maybe this is too much? You asked yourself, before quickly shaking your head.
I can't turn back now.
"Hey, guys." You began, stepping into the small huddle with Keith, Hunk and Lance.
Lance choked on whatever he was drinking, and Hunk immediately told you you looked like a princess.
"Wow... Y/N you look..." Keith paused looking my up and down, "Amazing." He breathed.
Amazing, is not exactly what I was hoping for but, good enough. You told yourself, thanking him with a bright smile.
You quickly got comfortable, and Keith and you did some pretty bad slow dancing together since neither of you had really ever done it before.
You continuously stepped on his feet, apologizing through your laughs.
"Jeez!" He laughed with me, "What did my feet ever do to you?"
You lost it then, clutching your stomach and falling into Keith's chest, You laughed, "I'm sorry about you feet, Keith!"
"Yeah yeah." He smiled, gazing gently into your eyes as you looked up at him. Your breath hitched at how close you were and once again you were lost in his eyes.
"Hey..." You blurted.
"Hey." He replied, seemingly pulling you closer.
You took a deep breath, wrapped your arms farther around his neck and pressed your body gently against his.
Is this really happening? You thought to yourself as you noticed his eyes look to your lips and then back up to your eyes.
It's happening! You thought as Keith's lips met yours, and slowly, you melted into him. The kiss was full of love and it was so much more than what you had hoped for tonight.
"You know, Y/N..." Keith whispered as we pulled apart, "You don't have to dress up like this to be the most beautiful girl in the universe."

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