BlackStar X Reader

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Black Stars POV

I knew  Y/N didn't like to rely on her witch abilities, she hates using them for any reason, though she's grown used to using it to heal.
On the other hand, I knew she had a breaking point, I just hoped all this time that she wouldn't ever reach it.

"You." She growled, her eyes narrowing on the man that claimed he was her father, a large grin on his face. He'd gone mad, probably from the witch that used to be her mother before  Stien killed her.
"You have some nerve, saying those things to me!"
He had beat her down with his words, saying how much she reminded him of her mother, and everyone knew Kirinna hated her mother - she didn't even consider her her mother. She called her Amora, just like everyone else, and preferred to never speak of her at all.
"I'm going to kill you, and end this madness for good! No one even remotely related to my mother will abuse me again!" She screamed, the blood shed that had dried on the ground slowly becoming wet again and swirling around the ground.
"Y/N!" Kid yelled. I snapped my gaze to him, his eyes were narrowed and his hand was in his pocket, Liz and Patty back in human form.
We were all scattered from the fight, he should have been easy to defeat, but he had a bit of an ugly dog army.
He knew exactly where to hit Y/N.
The man only chuckled as she stood tall, the blood rising around her, her eye glowing.
"Just like your mother, beautiful chaos."
"It's your fault I'm a monster at all, you asshole! It's your fault I'm alive!"
"Y/N..." I mumbled, a frown forming on my face. I knew she didn't hate herself, only what she was. But to say something like that...
"I'll kill you! I'll kill you for hurting my friends, for hurting me!"
We watched as the blood formed at least fifty knifes around her body, all aimed at the man, the only one left standing.
"Stand down now!" Kid screamed, but it didn't seem like Y/N was hearing him. Why was he talking to her like she was some dog?

She rose her hand, "You'll die a slow and painful death, bastard!"
The knives lurched forward, but stopped half way to him, the man didn't move, and Y/N cried out as she fell to her knees.
She screamed again before falling on her side, I stood still, scared shitless.
"What the hell just happened?!" Soul yelled.
"Y/N, that's enough. Don't make me do that again." I snapped my head towards Kid, who held some black device in his hand, his finger and thumb over a button and a meter.
He's doing this to her?
"Shut up," She coughed, breathing heavy, "Can't you see I'm in the middle of something? I'm trying to kill that mad man that has already killed hundreds! So you stand down you son of a fucking bitch!"
My eyes widened at her language, and Kid seemed to go even more dead panned than usual.
"Okay." He replied, I watched him turn up the meter, and hold down the button.
Y/N screamed again, collapsing hard on the concrete her body wriggled and curled up in in some kind of fit to get it to stop. Nothing would though, unless Kid let the hell up.
"Stop it!" I yelled, lurching forward to her side, but I didn't know what to do, her body was shaking like crazy.
"Kid! Stop!" I screamed over her, and as he finally did, Kirinna fell limp and unconscious.
I picked her up in my arms, holding her body close. She was still breathing.
"Is she?"
"No. Just knocked out cold." Kid said, stepping forward with the others.
"What the hell was that Kid?!" I hissed, glaring up at him.
"I had too, okay? She could have lost control. We're too close to the village, many more lives could have been lost."
"What was that thing anyways?" Maka asked.
"It's something my father put on her, it's a seal on her back. Myself, Stein and my father have a device to activate it if Y/N ever loses her cool. It's the price to pay for having a powerful witch roam free within the DWMA. My father is responsible for her, if something happened... Well, you get the gist."
"No! I don't!" I growled, "Y/N would never purposely hurt someone, she's the kindest girl I know so why?! Why would they even consider this?!"
"I told you! She's a witch!"
"She's not- she's not a monster, Kid! She's not mad or anything so stop treating her like it!"
He stayed silent glaring at me. I slowly stood with Y/N, now looking down at him, "I'm gonna take her home, and discuss taking this shit off."
"You can't, they'll never let you. She'll live with that for the rest of her life." Kid retorted.
"I won't let that happen. I will not let her be treated like a dog until the day she dies! Y/N may have lost her cool, and I understand why. But you didn't and never again have to do this!"
"Look, I know your hurt by what you just saw-"
"Hurt?" My shoulders slumped and I gave Kid a glance at my pained expression, "I felt like dying, Kid. I felt sick. You know I love Y/N more than myself."
"I'm sorry. I had no choice."
"Your wrong on that one." And I left swiftly, staring down at my beautiful lovers face.


"Hey, Y/N. How you feeling?"
"A little wobbly." She replied, trying to sit up, her arms shaking. I helped her sit up, and she took a breath.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" I asked as I took her hand in mine.
"For losing it. Just seeing his face, all those things he said... I couldn't control myself..." She sighed, frowning.
"You don't have to apologize. Everyone loses there cool."
"Yeah, but not everyone can kill a hundred people when they do."
I sighed heavily, squeezing her hand, "You can't either. You're not a monster."
"I know. It's just..."
I shook my head, cutting her off, "No. No 'it's just' no buts or anything. That stupid thing on your back, I'll cut it out if I have to."
She stiffened and I frowned, ducking my head, "I just couldn't bare it... Seeing you like that, screaming and shivering in pain."
"Black*Star." She reached her hand out to me and I rested my cheek into it, holding my hand over her's.
"I love you, so much." I mumbled.
"I love you too. But don't do anything too reckless, okay? It's not worth it."
"It is." I countered, opening my eyes half way just to see her smile.
"Where are the others?"
"Out, getting snacks. I won't let Kid in."
"Black*Star." She said my name firmly with a hint of annoyance.
"He did this to you- I can't, I won't forgive him."
"You have too."
"No!" I clenched my fists, looking down from her, "I won't, not until he destroys that device and gets that thing off your back!"
She faltered, her face showing pain, and I groaned as she began to cry, "I'm sorry, this is all my fault. I don't want you to-"
"Please don't cry." I said, "I hate it."
"I know." She whimpered.
I rose from the chair and laid down on the bed beside her, curling up I kissed her sweetly and she sniffed as we pulled apart.
She shook her head.
I kissed her again, and she smiled as we pulled apart again. I smirked, "Better?" I repeated.
She giggled, "No."
I chuckled in reply and kissed her with more passion, her arms wrapped around my neck and I reached up to hold her face.
"Okay guys, jeez. Just can't stay away from each others mouths." Maka sighed heavily and I pulled back from Y'N, "Jealous much?" I rose a brow and she scoffed, dropping the bags of snacks, "As if."
"We brought your favourite, Y/N." Tsubaki smiled down at her and I smiled back in thanks.
"Sorry to interrupt." Kid began, walking in like some kind of King.
"What did I say-" I began,
"I know, please, I'll only be a moment. I can't stand to stay in this disgustingly asymmetrical room any longer anyways." Kid sighed, "Y/N, I'd like to apologize."
"It's fine, you did what you had to do." She replied, not looking him in the eyes.
"I'm going to talk to my father about this. Black Star was right, this isn't okay."
"What?" I coughed out, my angered aura dispersing.
"You aren't a dog, or a monster or any of those things. You are Y/N L/N, a Meister at DWMA and you deserve freedom."
"Thank you." Y/N breathed, as shocked as I was.
Kid turned and left, and I hugged Y/N in happiness, the girl giggling with her own. Tsubaki 'awe'd like a proud mother and I beamed.
Then, Soul kicked me off of her and gave her some snacks which she happily accepted, myself too comforted with her smile to argue with Soul.

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