Rin Okumura X HalfDemon!Reader

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Rin nuzzled his nose against yours and you smiled, waking up from your dreamless sleep.
"Come on Y/N, wake up." He whispered, nuzzling you again you nuzzled back, opening your eyes slightly to see his bright blue ones that you loved.
"Hmm, I need a kiss first." You grumbled, still half asleep.
He rolled his eyes playfully before leaning down and giving you a quick clean kiss.
"Happy now?" He asked.
"Yeah." You replied stretching.
You got up and reached for your clothes. You and Rin were going out today. It was a long weekend and you had been planning the event for days.
You began to take off your Pajama shirt, but quickly realized someone was still in the room.
"Rin." You blurted, glaring at him as you wagged your tail, "Nice try, get out."
He pouted slightly before putting his hands up and walking out the door. You waited till it clicked shut behind him before completely taking off your shirt, still facing away from the door just in case.


You laughed harder as Rin choked on his popsicle from laughing at a story we were replaying from earlier in the day.
"Careful!" You giggled.
"Oi, Oi! This was your fault!" He coughed, regaining himself.
You hummed, taking another bite out of your Popsicle, it suddenly cracked and completely fell onto the ground.
"Ahh!" You gasped, stepping back and watching it splatter on the ground.
"Ha! Karma!"
"For what?!"
"For making me choke!"
"EH?!" Oh he is so paying for this. You growled in your head.

It had been a seriously long day, but you were not falling asleep until you got Rin back. Many times have you planned to get pay back, but you always waited to long and then Rin completely forgot about the incident or something else happened that made you forget about the incident too.
But not this time.
From what you know from your time in Gehenna, for most demons the tail is a very sensitive spot. For some, it's sensitive in pain, or it's ticklish.
But for some, it's something alittle different.
Laughing evilly, you got up and silently creeped to Rin's room. Thank goodness Yukio was away on some Exorcist teacher thing.
You creeped up to Rin, sleeping on his stomach with light snores, the blankets all messed up around him, his tail wagging up in the air.
Oh, easy vengeance is sweeter than all.
You slowly took the middle of the tail, and gently moved your hand against the fur up, all the way up until your hand slid off the tail's tip.
Rin grunted, shifting in his sleep his face dug into the pillow.
Okay fine.
Again, you ran your hand over the tail, over and over again, focusing on how soft it was and listening for sounds from Rin. Clearly it wasn't pain or he'd be awake, it could be ticklish, but-
"Ngh~ah~" You smirked victoriously as Rin began to moan.
You moved your hand up slower, letting your thumb trail slightly behind to leave a lingering effect.
"Uh~" Rin's hands began to fist the sheets as I continued.
"Mmmm, oh~Ah!" Rin's eyes snapped open, he was sweating and breathing heavily.
"Y-Y/N?" Rin huffed, looking up at you. You stared back at him threw the darkness, stroking his tail yet again, slowly, his eyes widened before they shut tight and Rin bit his lip to try and stop any sounds from coming out.
"What are you- ah~ Y/N!"
"Pay back..."
"Ngh! Y/N, this is the worst pay back- how did you even-" Rin huffed, not being able to take it.
You giggled, "I lived in Gehenna for almost three years, of course I know these things."
"Dammit... Uh..." Rin swallowed, his body shifted, "Y/N, stop-"
"Uh-uh." You shook your head, stroking his tail faster.
"Ah! You know what!" You gasped slightly, everything happening so fast you quickly found yourself underneath the huffing Rin on the bed.
"You asked for it, Y/N." Rin breathed in a deep breath, smashing his lips to yours. His hands held your wrists above your head, his waist on yours, you could feel his boner.

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