Judal X Reader

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"Y/N!" You looked up, hearing your mother's voice, only to get trapped in a deathly grip.
You laughed slightly, "Now now, mother-"
"You were gone for over a month! Crazy child, thinking you could capture a dungeon! You're lucky the high priest had come to save you!"
"Mother, please, I'm fine and I did capture that dungeon, with said high priests help, of course." You grinned, turning back to a bored looking Judal.
"Oh, young man you are so very kind." Your mother bowed to Judal, "If it weren't for you my stubborn daughter would have been lost forever."
You glared at Judal as he smirked at you, "It was no problem."
"Let me go get you some fine fresh peaches, high priest." Judal grinned as my mother ran off.
You're beginning to think the only reason Judal hasn't made Kouen kick you and your mother out was because your mother praised him all the time and the magi couldn't get enough of it.
"Come on Judal, let's get cleaned up and go tell Hakuryuu that we're back. He's probably been freaking out." You smiled at the thought.
"Uh, the only one that needs to be cleaned up, Y/N, is you." Judar said as he began to walk ahead.
Your jaw dropped, "Judal! Don't get too cocky, you have dirt covering your backside!"
"I brushed it off!" He began, trying to look over his shoulder.
You giggled, despite how you and Judal argued at times, your kind nature always overcame your angry, revenge filled one. You stepped forward and gently brushed the remaining dirt off of Judal's back, though his white scarf seemed to be stained.
"Come on, silly. You deserve a bath anyway." And he followed you to the bathroom without complaining.

You cleaned quickly, seeing you're mother walking by with a basket of peaches when you were done, you knew Judal was probably out of the bath by now, probably napping, so you took the basket yourself and headed over to his room. You were dressed in your usual outfit, and when you touched you're neck, you couldn't help but feel odd not having the usual necklace there.
"Judal! I have those peaches my mother ran off to get for you!" You said as you knocked on the door.
"Come in." He grumbled from the other side of the door.
You set the basket on my hips and opened the door. Walking in, the place was actually quite clean. Judal sat on his bed, shirtless, and I swallowed before grinning.
"Here you go." You said placing them on a table by his bed.
"Thanks." It was almost inaudible, but it made you choke on your air when you heard it.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Sorry, got something in my throat-" you said, coughing again into your arm you took a breath and grinned sheepishly at Judal.
"What do you want?"
"A peach." You admitted.
He rolled his eyes, "Fine."
You quickly said a thanks and grabbed one, sitting beside Judal on the bed, you bit into it, humming. You sat in silence for a moment, it was peaceful, the only sounds were the birds chirping, the wind moving through the open window in the room and your teeth biting into the sweet fruit.
"Did you hear, we're having a festival tonight."You finally said
"Oh, yeah. I remember, forgot it was today."
"We got back just in time, huh? My mother said she had an outfit made for me. I'm going to be the head dancer. You'll come and watch, won't you Judal?"
It was silent for another moment, You took the peach away from your lips and laid your arm in your lap.


"Are you okay Judal?" Y/N suddenly asked.
Am I okay? What the hell was that supposed to mean? Of course, it's not like she knows my past and all about the horror's of Al Thamen. I suppose I've never really been okay, though no ones ever cared to ask.
Except for her.
"I'm fine." I mentally cursed myself for that forced answer. Didn't Kouguku tell me that when a girl says she's fine that mean's she's not?
Fucking hell.
"Oh, okay. Whatever you say, Judal."
Seriously?! Guess it doesn't apply when a guy says it...
"What about you? You're not hurt are you?" I asked.
Alright I am definitely not okay.
I looked at her, and she was staring at me with wide eyes, "Judal..."
I clicked my tongue, "Whatever. Forget I said anything. Weren't you going to talk to Hakuryuu or something?" I asked harshly.
"Oh yeah!" Y/N jumped up, peach still in hand she smiled at me.

No matter how mean I try to be, she'll never take offense.

"Thank's for reminding me!"

It's like she knows something about me that I don't.


"Judal, there you are!"
Her hair was done up and a mask covered her face, flowers hung from her waist on the sides of the cloth she wore, the outfit her mother made her, obviously.
"I didn't see you watching..."
"I decided I didn't want to come."
"It is pretty loud and crazy over there." She smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of her head.

No matter what she's always okay with the choices I make.

But today I can see a hint of disappointment in her eyes as she took off her mask. She really wanted me to see her dance.
"If you want me to see you dance, then dance."
When I first said it, I regretted it. A smile lit upon her features and not even the moon could lighten the night better than her shinning eyes did.
Her feet were bare, i noticed as she set her mask down and she took a step back and secured herself in one spot on the grass. I rested back against the tree, studying her.
She closed her eyes, and her arms moved before her hips, before her legs and then her feet, she began to dance to an unheard melody, clearly one she had stuck in her head. Though her movements were so slick and gentle, that I could almost hear her song myself.
Her ruk were bright and lit the ground around her in a circle. They flowed with her as she outstretched her arms and twirled her body.
She was slick and gentle, she was utterly beautiful and I couldn't deny it anymore.

"So? Did you like it?"
She took in deep breaths, standing still in the spot she started. I was speechless, her smile never left her face and I never wanted it to.
She walked forward and sat beside me, pulling a flower out of her hair she cupped it in her hands before reaching up and putting it in my own hair.
She giggled and I fought a blush as I glared in slight annoyance.
"You have to have a little fun too you know."
We watched the stars in silence, a calming silence, which always seemed to come between us. But I can't say I don't like it.
Eventually, her head hit my shoulder and when I looked down at her it was clear she was asleep.
But instead of rolling my eyes and thinking 'just my luck' in annoyance like I usually would,
I smiled, a victorious look on my face as I looked back at the stars.
"Just my luck."

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