Izaya Orihara x reader

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"Izaya!! Listen to me!"
"You don't understand, Y/N! Just give it up!"
"Give it up?! Izaya Orihara, your carrying around the head off Celty! A nonhuman shadow thing with skin and no head!! Throwing it around like a ball and laughing! Your like a mad man!" Of course, Izaya occasionally acted crazy but that was okay, because you did sometimes to. It's to excite you, to give yourselves a little fun. One of the things you both found in common, but this?!
This is crossing the line!
"Y/N! Just get over it, this is how it is now!" His signature sexy smirk flew onto his face, but you only narrowed my eyes.
"Izaya, please, I don't want this from you-"
"It doesn't matter what you want Y/N! If I want it I'll have it!"
"I know that! But this isn't normal... It isn't... You shouldn't..." You couldn't find the right words to say. The horrors of what you were staring at. Izaya holding a head in his hands, and now it's in a tube thingy on his couch beside him!
I mean, what about my spot beside him?
"I don't care what you think Y/N." Izaya retorted, his smirk fading into an angered glare.
You do care, Izaya.
"If you don't like me for who I am and what I do then I don't need you in my life!" He snapped.
That caught you off your feet. Izaya usually stayed calm, always stayed calm. He didn't even get that angry at Shizuo. He always had a smirk, always had a relaxed figure.
But now he was tense and yelling at you. You were done. You couldn't take seeing him devote his life to a head and a bunch of other children.
It used to be you and him and the rest of those pitiful humans. It probably still is to him, but you can't help but feel like that's drifting away from you.
"Well that sucks Izaya." You breathed out, coming up to face him.
He was a few inches taller than you, and had to tilt his head down to get a good look at your enraged, absolutely done face when your chests were practically touching.
"Because no matter who you are and what you do, I'll always need you." You held eye contact for a second, searching contently for any emotion, anything in his eyes.
Nothing. He glared back, seemingly searching as well. He was extremely gorgeous. A priceless piece of work.
You love him, and you know you'd snake your ways back together into that comforting silence side by side again, as if you were practically one.
You rounded him, purposefully banging your shoulder into his, moving his body to the side slightly.
You walked towards the door and opened it, preparing to slam it. But just before you did, you're sure you heard Izaya whip around to see you go.

. . .

Letting the water run down your skin, pelting on your neck, you turned the heat up more so that you could really feel it.
You hugged your sides, looking up at the water coming from the shower faucet.
The steaming hot water drops, every last one of them was felt as it hit your skin. Heating you up, but it would never come close to the warmth of Izaya holding you in his arms.
"I'm pathetic... Weak..." You mumbled, gripping the skin over your ribs.
"I'm so stupid!" You mumbled to yourself again. No one could hear you, you locked the door. You had gotten into a fight with some drug dealers earlier, they had caught you watching them.
Of course they didn't land any good hits on you, on the shins some, one in the stomach. But you were quickly let off when Shizuo beat the hell out of them.
"It's nothing personal. Job matters." He implied, fixing up his glasses.
You were to lazy to roll your eyes at the memory. Wishing Izaya was here...
He would be able to heal your wounds, he would be able to make you feel like the queen of the world again.
But after that fight, Izaya hasn't really spoken to you. You keep thinking he's trying to cheat on you with Namie or something... But that's just stupid!
"I'm stupid..."
"Y/N?" His soft voice, rang through your ears over powering the hot water making you feel drowsy.
His arms snaked around me over top of mine, and you knew he had hacked the door open and was completely naked as were you.
"Izaya not now... I can't. I just... Feel so lost." You looked away from him, refraining from the urge to lean your body back against his.
"Then let me take that pain away." Izaya tightened his grip on your body, his lips meeting with your neck.
"Not this time Izaya. This won't take away my worries."
"Another nightmare?" He suggested.
"No... Even worse. That fight we had... I underestimated you. I thought we were drifting apart or something-"
"No, Y/N never." His voice, you loved it.
Especially when he said your name.
You turned slowly in his grip, to face him. Your naked bodies were not a worry, only your eyes were to be looked at.
"Izaya I'm sorry for doubting you. I got into a fight... But I'm okay. It's just that I feel so week without you, so alone and helpless! I hate it Izaya!" You huffed, moving closer to him only in the slightest. "I'm so cold, not even this steaming bathroom can keep me warm. I just want you to burry my head in your chest, hold me like I'm going to fade away so that all I can see and smell is all you!" You clenched your fists, no longer being able to look him the eyes -so you stare at the tub floor.
"I'm sorry, Izaya. But I love you to much, I miss you so much... I feel like crying but nothing's there!" You blabbed out, you were speaking nonsense, but you had a feeling Izaya understood every word you said.
And as told, he wrapped his hands around you and all you could smell was Izaya, he held me tightly, but not to tight, just as you wished.
You moved your arms to hold his broad shoulders, and moved your face so that my eyes were against Izaya's neck.
"Don't ever let me go Izaya."
"I won't, Y/N. I promise." And for the first time, Izaya spoke with pure emotion.
You will never forget this moment, when you and Izaya, were human.

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