Misaki Yata x Reader

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You groaned as you entered the bar. Rent was coming up soon, and unlike most days, you didn't have any money.
You haven't been beating up people recently. Well, more like Yata won't let me come with him to beat up people.
But why?! He never cared before!

Y/N either just came in here and groaned her head off because she's tired, or just plain pissed that I haven't let her come out with me to beat some people up. See, she gets money from those guys when she knocks em' all out.
But, the last fight that went on, she came back wounded. When she took off her jacket and lifted her white shirt, only to reveal a huge bruise, aside from the scratches up her arm from the cat women she fought.
I sighed, remembering how that night I swore to not let her go back out with me until I was sure I could protect her. I don't know why, but I'm attracted to Y/N, and I can't bear to see her hurt like that again.
I can't have her seeing me beat the guys up whenever I go, taking all my anger out on them for what happened to Y/N.

I looked over the couch, to see Y/N with her head down on the counter of the bar, in the high stools. Did she fall asleep?
"Yo! Izumo! Can I get a beer?" Eric called out.
Mr. Kusanagi frowned, setting down the class he always seems to be polishing. "I'm going to need to hire someone to serve all you dip-wads."
Y/N's head shot up, "Me!" She yelled.
"Huh?" Izumo got up from his bending over position to look at her, as everyone else was doing.
"Me! Hire me!!" She stuck her hand up high and jammed her eyes shut.
What did she eat?
"Well... I suppose..." He paused, "But pull have to wear a uniform."
"I'll do it!"
"It'll be a skirt."
"I'll do it!"
My eyes widened, as did everyone else's. Y/N never wore skirts, she just wasn't that kind of girl. That's probably why I never stuttered around her, but back to the point here.
Y/N just agreed to wear a skirt.

Y/N's P.O.V
You agreed to wear a skirt, as you felt every single eye on you. Seriously those perverts.
You agreed because you were desperate, sure you hate skirts, but you need the money.
For rent.
For my home!
For food and for your little brother Rey!
"Alright. You start tomorrow." Izumo instructed.
"Great." you mumbled.


Okay. Nothing to be afraid of. This will be fun.
Boys will not try and glance up the skirt, and if they do they owe you twenty bucks.
Just, play it cool. It's a job. And there all your friends.
"Y/N!" Izumi called.
"Coming!" You called back, taking one last look at the tight black skirt that flowed out a little at the end and the white tucked in blouse over top. You took a deep breath, your curled hair bounced as you twisted on the cuff of my flats, and hurried out the door.
Izumi smirked, "You look nice."
"Shut up." You mumbled. You had to come here early to look everything over, so you were a little tired.
But you could manage.
Izumo explained how there would be a tray at the end of the table, he would make the drinks and place them on the tray with a tag, the tag would have the persons name and table number on it and that's how I'll serve them.
"Your having fun with this, aren't you." You said.
"Why of course." You rolled your eyes.

You were cleaning the tables when the first guest came in, the beautiful Anna with a Mikoto trailing behind, he looked rather amused.
Damit you Mikoto.
You finished whipping down the table, trying to get over your nervousness, and stepped into the back to wash off the cloth and clean your hands.
You walked back out to a huge group of boys. "Y/N! Over here!" Ah yes, Izumo also taught you some waitress tips.
You slipped out your book and pen and copied down all there orders, most of them making jokes about ordering you and other cheesy shit.
You brought back their drinks, complements being thrown your way as others filed in. You watched Yata come in, a giant blush appear on his face, as he walked up to you.
"Can I get a water?" He asked dryly.
"What did you do? Eat some sand? You sound terrible." You said, walking towards the bar to get a water.
"Just, dry throat."
"Interesting." You replied, pouring the water and passing it to him.
He looked up at you and nodded in thanks before taking small sips of his drink. Come to look at him, he was rather pale.
"Are you okay, Yata?" You asked softly.
He shook his head no, and walked past to the couch.
You blinked, realizing your name was being called you walked over towards Anna, whom wanted her usual delivered to her.
You smiled brightly and ran off to Izumo, whom was working away.
Allow me to correct myself. Polishing away.

You looked back to Misaki for the five thousandth time today, to see him clutching his head.
"Yata, what's wrong?" You asked.
"My head..."
"Need a tylenol or something?" You suggested, he just shook his head.
"I'm so cold..." He mumbled.
"I'll get you a blanke-"
"Don't -" he breathed, "I'll only get to hot."
"Well... what can I do to help?" You paused, thinking, looking at his sick face. The fact that he took off his beanie and white sweater didn't matter to you, seeing him so dull was agonizing. "I know! I'll make you some soup." You scurried on to the kitchen, even if he was going to say something, he probably had no more strength to do so.

You finished the soup and went back to him, he slowly sat up and took the bowl from me, eating it slowly with his legs crossed, shivering here and there.
"You should have stayed in bed, Misaki." You shook your head at him.
Though, you wanted him to see you in the skirt.
He didn't answer, "You could have come another day..." You wanted him to be here every day.
"I might make it tomorrow with the way your taken' care of me."
And then it hit you.
You remembered one day Yata found you singing on the edge of the ocean coming off the road from the station to the school. He said that you had a good voice, but only brushed him off and ran away, blushing madly.
No one was supposed to hear you. But a wave of confidence has flown over you now. You sat on the couch after taking Yata's empty soup bowl to the sink. He placed his head on your lap and curled himself up.
"You remember that one song I showed you?"
"Huh? Oh, which one?"
"The one by Snow Patrol."
"Oh. Right." Yata replied tiredly, closing his eyes.
"It was a wonderful song, wasn't it?" You half asked half said, as if talking to yourself as you played with the copper locks on the small boys head.
"Only when you sang it... Like at the beach." He mumbled.
"Shall I sing it then?"
Yata hummed in response, and you gladly began to sing the lyrics.


I felt like shit, my head hurt, my throat was dry, my body just felt so weak and vulnerable, not to mention the heat shivering up my spine then away again, only to come back two minutes later.
Put a blanket on, to hot. Take blanket off, to cold. I never get sick, not like this, but for some reason it just had to happen to me today.
But when Y/N began to sing, it just washed all my worries away. All the pain and grogginess of my helplessness.
And she took me away, into the world of a dreamless sleep.

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