Imperial Audience

Start from the beginning

Emhyr was not impressed, when he spoke, "That is not my concern." The White Flame Dancing on The Graves of His Foes, walked over to his desk, "Enough of this banter. You will both agree, regardless." (F/N) raised an eyebrow, "Both?" It obviously caused the emperor great pain to say what he said next, he sat down to contain his anger, "Yes, I require both of you. Despite your arrogant, idiotic, and pitiful demeanor, it is undeniable you and my daughter share a...connection. If you don't already know where she is, I'm certain you and your master will deduce the location."

(F/N) bit his tounge, he felt Geralt's eyes burning into the back of his head, every time it was brought up he had known Ciri was back for a while, he could feel his master get angrier. (F/N) nodded and ran a hand over his melted rough skin, Geralt spoke softly, but his voice was undoubtedly shaking, "Why are you looking for her? Doubt it's to make up for all those lost years." Emhyr only leaned back into his chair, "For reasons of state. As always. But that matters little to you. Bring me my daughter and I will pay you both. More than you customarily receive for a contract. Considerably more."

(F/N) felt a smile tug on his lips, despite the circumstances, he was getting paid to do the very thing he originally wanted to do. Geralt walked up to Emhyr's desk and grabbed (F/N) by the back of the neck, making sure to squeeze it, "Save your generosity for those who's homes your armies have razed. I'll do it for Ciri. Not for your gold."

Emhyr casually tapped his finger on his desk, he seemed to take some semblance of joy in seeing Geralt hold (F/N)'s neck in such a painful position. "Your motives do not interest me, only results." Before either witcher could say anything, the Emperor finished the conversation, "Lady Yennefer will tell you the rest. This audience is finished. Mererid!" The Chamberlain walked in with his usual stance, hands behind his back and a stiff demeanor, "Take them to the sorceress."

Geralt pulled (F/N) by the neck, as he proceeded to leave the young witcher turned and saw the Emperor watching him, in that instant he knew he still wanted to lash him very badly.


(F/N) covered his face with his hand as they walked through the former Temerian palace. Geralt escorted him like a child, in front of all the soldiers they ran across and the noblemen and women they saw. All of them stared at the two white haired men. The young witcher didn't remove his hand until the Chamberlain led them to a private room. (F/N) could smell the Lilac and Gooseberries, he turned away when Geralt finally released him. The older witcher focused on the sorceress, the two lovers spoke as if they had never been apart. Yennefer's soft honey like voice spoke, "Geralt. That tunic - you look positively smashing."

(F/N) could sense Geralt's smirk, "Ugh, dying to take it off."

Yennefer walked over to the witcher, "I'd consider that a proposition under different I might even take you up on. But we've matters to attend to."

(F/N) turned around presenting his face to Yennefer, immediately her focus shifted to him, "That's putting it mildly." The normally cold sorceress stared at (F/N)'s face, his skin looked as though it was decaying, and from the large wrinkles present all around, it had gotten much worse, since she had last seen him. It looked as though she was about to say something, but she elected not to. Yennefer shot one last look at (F/N) and walked over to a nearby table, "Now do you understand why I'm at Emhyr's court."

Geralt walked over to the table, he looked at his ward, "Ciri - is she really back?" The young witcher sighed, and spoke softly, if they were ever gonna find her, he needed to be honest, "Yes...we spoke a while ago."

Geralt glared at (F/N), while Yennefer seemed indifferent, she had obviously known in advance. She casually taped the table top with a piece of parchment on it, in an attempt to distract Geralt, "Look - that's more or less what she looks like now, or so our agents claim. Our little witcher's all grown into a young lady."

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