Chapter 46: Conversation and Answers

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Pic doesn't belong to me.

We finally made found a haven to rest and Ignis is making a late dinner.

Finally! I'm starving!!!!

"So, um, are we going to talk about it?" Prompto broke the silence as the boys looked grim, my head tilted and said,

"We might as well since everything is getting...what's the word? Bat-shit crazy."

"...Thank the Astrals, you are back with us, Alice." Noctis said with a small smile as I am confused, Prompto chuckled and Gladiolus said,

"Yeah, your spirit were not joking types."

"What is joking types, tattoo man?" I asked with curiosity

"We'll explain later, Ms. Alice. Here is some food." Ignis came and passed a dish with beans and a type of sauce. My nose smelled the aroma and I sighed in happiness. My hands quickly took the spoon and began to eat this delicious meal of heaven.

"Damn, Ice Alice is hungry!" Prompto commented

"Yeah, the kid eats anything that Ignis makes," Gladiolus added

"I'm happy someone likes my food even if there are greens," Ignis stressed the last word as Noctis snorted, I ate the whole meal and asked,

"Four-eyes, can I have more!?"

"Talk first then you may have your seconds," Ignis replied as I pouted, the boys laughed at my expression and I began to tell them about the dreams and Hycanthine. Of course, I never tell them about my true identity or dream where Crowe and I were fighting. After I was done with my story, the boys looked...well shocked and confused.

"Ok, I talked. Now, your turn, boys."

"When you were knocked out, we meet the Traitor of the Grand Masters," Noctis said as my eyes widened and said,


"Yeah, it was...something."

Flashback to the first meeting of the Traitor

"Hello, Noctis Luis Caelum."

"You're the Traitor of the GrandMasters? What happened to Sai!?" Noctis asked as he wanted to charge at Alice but his friends held him back.

"Is that we're calling me still? What a negative name. Sai, I have temporarily sent Sai somewhere else. I wanted to have a conversation, boy." Alice said as she walked towards the shield that surrounded Noctis and his friends.

"Conversation?! Why would I talk to you?!"

"Aren't you curious about the Grand Masters?" Alice asked as she stopped walking towards the shield, her expression is playful but grim

"I have heard from the grapevine that you want information."

"Who has told you we were looking for information?" Ignis asked cautiously as Alice looked at him for a moment and replied,

"Ah, your kind is still serving the Caelums after the rebirth? Hah! I thought your lot finally perished with the Amicita. That sly old fool."

"You didn't answer my question." Ignis retorted

"Neither did Noctis." Alice retorted back

" said you wanted to talk to me, right?" Noctis asked and Alice nodded

"Fine but I want Sai back and you leave Alice alone for good."

"I can promise you that I will bring Sai back however, I can't leave this Grand Master alone if I wished it." Alice said as the boys thought of her words and she continued,

"Let me ask again: Are you looking for information about our kind?"


"I will answer four questions that you have on the matter but if the question is something that's not related to us, then will not bring back Sai."

"Fine. What are the Grand Masters?" Noctis asked holding in rage

"We are the creatures related to the Great Six." Alice said as the boys were shocked of her words and she continued,
"Sadly, one didn't approve our...habits while helping the Six."

"Why do the Grand Masters need a King's soul?"

"Heheh. The King's soul is pure and gives us freedom of our past animal."

"?" Noctis giving Alice a confused look and she answered,

"Our past animal is difficult to explain. We have been on this world for a long time."

"How are able to take control of Alice so well if you are the traitor?"

"Simple; I was once a Grand Master while the Great Six blessed us. However, the opposite can happen. I am but a fallen Grand Master who cannot return to the Great Six. Anyway, as long as this Grand Master is not blessed by the Great Six, I can come and go as I please."

"...Why did you betray your kind?" Noctis asked knowing it's his final question as Alice looked at him with much anger and saddness.

"Because it was the right thing to do. I wanted my gift back."

"Your gift?"

"Yes, your family currently holds my gift: Power of the Lucian kings." As the traitor said those words, the boys were startled and Noctis mumbled,


"I don't lie of what I speak of, Noctis Luis Caelum. If you doubt that the Lucian Kings is my gift, you should read my legend in the Well of Records. I have answered your questions and I will return Sai to you."

Flashback ended

I was speechless of what the Traitor had said to the boys and asked,

"...So, where is this Well of Records?"

"According to Traitor, you know it's location and will guide us." Ignis answered as I sighed in frustration of this and asked,

"Do you think the Traitor is lying, Four-eyes?"

"Hard to tell but their expression...shows that the Traitor is telling the truth."

"Yeah but hard to believe that the Traitor once had the power of the Lucien Kings. Can't wrap my mind around that!" Prompto whined

"It is hard to believe." Gladiolus added as my eyes glanced at Noctis who seemed worried and I said,

"Well, life give you lemons, you say fuck this and move on."

"Alice, I don't think that's how the saying goes." Noctis mumbled

"No, it goes like that, vegetable hater."

"Quit calling me that, Alice!"

"Vegetable hater, sitting in a tree. Can't get married because he hates green and he is a woman."

"Alice! Knock that off and that's not how you sing that song!" Noctis shouted at me as the boys laughed at our banter, my heart began to beat in an odd way and silently wished that I can make this moment last forever.

Sorry for not updating. Since this panademic, I had to work a lot more than usual. I hope you understand. My workplace might have me working more hours than usual. Please continue to give me feedback and starting to work on the voting winning chapter. Please stay tuned.

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