Chapter 36: What changes me?

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Not my pic.

"You fucking asshole, where the hell have you been?" I asked in frustration at the moment. The reason being is because Ardyn forced me to ride with him in the car and now, we are currently on the road. Thankfully, we can talk in private and not be bothered.

"I've been busy of late, my child." Ardyn simply answered

"I can see that, you fucking parasite. Please tell me I have new orders? I can't take much more of these children."

"I'm afraid there aren't any new orders for you, my dear. You are no longer required." Ardyn said as my head slowly turned to Ardyn, he is focused on the road but I felt the energy of something inside him however my abilities as a machine disappeared again and asked,

"What do you mean by that?"

"Just as I said, my child. You are no longer required. Those are the words of Medusa who kindly put a mandate on you." 

"...what? You're lying." I muttered in fear for the second of knowing what a mandate means in Niflheim.

"No, my dear. I'm not lying this time." Ardyn said as he smiled but my eyes spotted the smugness of his smile.

Fuck him! Fuck this!

"I've tried to contact Medusa, I swear! Can't you reason with her?! I bet you didn't, did you?!" I asked in a state of panic

"My dear, Medusa is no longer interested in your activities. I think that is a good thing. Yes, I didn't bother to stop Medusa at all."

"What the hell you mean it's a good thing? You can go to fucking hell and stop calling me your child!"

"Think, my child. If Medusa put a mandate on you, what does that tell you?"

I thought for a moment and my mind clicked.

"I'm almost...human, right?" I whispered but I knew Ardyn hear me and replied

"Yes, because of that reason, you are nothing to the empire."

Nothing to the empire? I worked so hard to proved my usefulness and I didn't mind the orders. My heart beating rapidly now as a human heart is strange. The words had no effect on me before but now it does.

I'm no longer required? Nothing to the empire? Why?

"My child, the reason I come is to help you became what you are again but I see you already have them." Ardyn snapped me out of my thoughts and I gave him a look.


"The spirits, dear. Don't you feel them?" He asked in curiosity as my ears hear their faint voices telling me danger from Ardyn and I asked,

"You knew about my spirits? How? Only the Marshal would know that. How?"

"Well, let's just say I know more than anyone else. I want to use my knowledge to help you, ÁSTRÍÐR."

"...Are you going to kill me or send an army to kill me?" I asked to know what his actions are. The sooner I know that I can plan and try to...survive. I know what they will do to me now that the mandate is on me. Come to think of it, Loqi knew about me a little and yet, attacked me. Did the mandate start then? Too many questions in my thoughts and I had no answers.

"My child, you have nothing to fear from me but Medusa. As I stated, I want to help you. For starters, when you reach your destination; be careful of the one who rests there. You will have a grand reunion." Ardyn chuckled as I was about to say something until we pulled over to a resting area and Ardyn parked the car.

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