Nct introducing you as "his girl"

Start from the beginning

"My girl, I miss her so much. She couldn't come to China with me, so I'll be really happy when I get to see her again. Y/n, if you're watching, I love you"

He smiled, and everyone awed at his confession, asking more questions about his relationship. He was happy to talk about you, mentioning several times how much he loved and missed you.

You and him were having a disagreement about people accusing him of cheating. You didn't believe it at first, but evidence kept showing up online. You could tell it was fake, but the fact that it kept resurfacing made you really uncomfortable, and you decided to talk to him about it.

When you brought it up to him, he sighed and pulled you into his arms.

"Y/n, you know I wouldn't do that to you"

He spoke, placing a kiss on your lips.

"You're my girl, my one and only, my princess, whatever else you want to be called"

He joked, making you laugh as he kissed all over your face.

"I love you, and only you"

He leaned down, pressing another slow kiss onto your lips.

"I love you too"

You hadn't seen him in months since he went on tour with the rest of 127, so when he was finally back home, all hell broke loose. It didn't take long for the two of you to be all over each other the second he got home.

"Ugh, harder"

He moaned, throwing his head back as you rode him. You huffed, wrapping your arms around his neck for support, as you moved your hips faster.

"That's my girl"

He spoke between whines, grabbing your hips to help you out.

"Come on, don't slow down, I know you can go faster than that"

He came dress shopping with you because he was your date to a wedding, and you didn't have a dress to wear. He kept hyping up every single dress you put on, so you were having difficulty choosing whichever one looked the best.

"Can't you be more judgmental? How am I supposed to narrow it down if you tell me you like every single one"

He just laughed and looked up from his phone.

"What can I say? My girl looks good in everything"

You and him went on a date to the aquarium. It was your first time going out together after revealing your relationship to the public, so naturally you had caught some attention. You didn't seem to care, you were too busy looking at all the fish to pay attention to the people following you around. At one point, you were staring at the stingrays looking like they were flying in the water. You turned around to see WinWin already admiring you.


You asked him confused. He just smiled and kissed your nose.

"My girl is so pretty"

The members of the China line kept nagging him to go on a group date with all their girlfriends, because none of them have every met you before. Lucas kept saying no on your behalf, because to be honest, he wanted to keep you to himself. After a while though, he got tired of their continuous nagging.

"Come on Lucas, you two don't wanna go to karaoke with us?"

He sighed.

"I have to ask her first"

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