Too good to be true

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We stood on the platform in the park. About one metre from the ground, I was still scared of the height. He was so casual, leaning on the fireman's pole; one slip, and he'd fall. "Come here," he extended his hands and tried to get me over to the edge, like him. "No, no, no," I cowardly pressed myself to the opposite side, where I felt safer. "You'll be fine, trust me," he reached for my hand and snapped it up. He lightly tugged me forward, "You're safe with me," he whispered as we wrapped our arms around each other. It probably would've looked like the most awkward position ever, but I was comfortable and content. He buried his face in my neck, as we used the pole for our weights support. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead as we released ourselves from the hug. "We're too cute," he said, pushing my hair away from my mouth. We stood silently on the high platform, one arm around each other, our free hand laced with each others. We made silly jokes about the view up that high, we giggled over the stupidest things. He pointed a few things out with our hands still locked together.

We messed around for a little longer up on the platform and then he led me down the ladder, with our hands still together.

We went and sat on the little park bench. "Stand up," he said softly as he stood up. I did as I was told and cautiously stood. He wrapped his arms around my waist, but then shocked me and lifted me up. Quickly, I wrapped my legs around his hips and started begging him to place me down. "No! No, please no. Put me down." I hated being lifted up. He took me towards the swing and sat me down. He stood behind and started pushing the swing. "I like how you wrapped your legs around me," he joked. As the swing went backwards, towards him, he wrapped his arms around my waist and stopped the momentum of the swing. He turned me around and my eyes shot to the ground straight away. "Look up," he whispered. I looked up, straight at him, he put his hands in mine and kissed my neck, just once, full of sweetness. He wrapped his arms around me, once again, and slightly lifted my shirt up, pressing his cold palms on my back. He nibbled on my ear and a shiver rushed through my body. He pulled back and I looked at the floor once again. He scolded me for looking down, again. I looked up, "Close your eyes."

"I don't want to," I whined back. "Trust me," he said.

I shut my eyes, I felt his presence come closer and eventually his lips were pressed on mine.


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