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Her heart thudded uncomfortably against her rib cage as a feeling of uneasiness settled in her gut. Her eyes flickered towards her boyfriend who stood a little too far away for her liking. She just wanted to be held in his arms; to get out of this dark forest and return to her normal, care-free life. A shadow jumped between the trees on her right and a shiver crept up her spine; intensifying the moment. Another shadow menacingly danced along the left side of her peripheral vision. Her body jerked in an awkward position as a cool breeze brushed past, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She whipped her head to the right only to notice her boyfriend, who had once accompanied her, was no longer in sight. Her fingers trembled, and not just from the cold weather. The birds in the tree tops suddenly decided to scatter from the scene, earning a startled scream to escape her thin lips. Her mind raced and she called for help, for anyone to notice her presence in this empty, dark, creepy woods. The growls from unknown animals that lurked in the dark sent fear through her veins. 

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