Shitty City~

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The busy city buzzed around them, but the whole world seemed to stand still. A smile made its way onto both their faces as they zoned out. This was it, they were finally in the moment they had been dreaming of for far too long. Her hands suddenly dropped to her side and she started to run towards his figure; his smile growing wider by the second. His arms extended out and in seconds her legs were securely wrapped around his waist, her arms were wrapped around him and her neck burried in the curve of his neck. He pulled her as close as he could; ignoring the strange looks they now recieved from the locals and tourists that passed - they didn't care, this was their fucking moment. A single tear ran down her face and she wiped it away in a haste; why the hell was she crying?! This was probably the best moment she had experienced in years. She pulled herself away from him and stood tall, composing herself. They exchanged a quiet hello, only to fall back into eachothers embrace moments after. His eyes were flooded with emotion; the both of them speechless - but they wouldn't have had it any other way.

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