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His hands lost their blood flow, and tingles crept threw each finger. A red mark bloomed across his, once white, wrists; where the rope was tied all too tightly. He had let go of all hope, he had let go of all last happiness... well, sort of. His face was blank of expression, but his eyes still glistened with something. Something most people wished they'd had the chance to experience, or some others cursed their experience with this thing; this true love. He hands shook in anticipation, hoping it would be quick and painless. He also wished she would be okay, that after he was gone - she'd find a new source of happiness. He knew from whatever cloud he sat upon, or however deep in hell he rotted, that the hardest thing he would have to ever experience would be watching the one he would continue to love for all eternity; love some other man, for all of her eternity. Blood slowly dripped from his lip because his teeth pierced too hard. His fear was now evident. The longer the wait, the longer the tortured man became more and more what God, what the world, had in store for his girl - the girl he would never see again. He didn't care about the blade that was now pressed against his soft skin. He just wanted her to be safe, in his loving arms - in his loving heart. 

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