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Her eyes awkwardly flickered down to her hair ties that sat tightly around her thin wrists. Her mind wandered, and she began to focus on the underside of her forearm; where multiple white scars hid themselves. Her arms swung down to her sides, she let out a small sigh and placed a small smile on her lips trying to muster up some courage for what she was about to do. She curled her fingers into a ball and knocked on the blue door that stood in front of her. Someone yelled from the inside, and she guessed it was something along the lines of "coming!" Akwardly, she slipped her hands into her jeans pockets, slipping her tongue out and slightly wetting her lips before plastering on a fake smile. The door was opened in a millisecond and suprise flashed on the mans face, before he quickly recovered and politely greeted her.

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