A Broken Friendship

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His heart fell to the floor. "How could you?" his best friend growled. He coward backwards and shivered in fear; the rage in his friend's eyes was unmistakable. "You did this on purpose! You did it for fun!" He had no idea what her best friend was yelling about, but it scared the living daylights out of him. She picked up a shattered piece of glass and laughed, almost demonically. "This is our friendship!" She screeched as the already broken glass, clattered against the wall. It was a metaphor that even he didn't understand. The steam was almost puffing out her ears and the fear was obvious in his features. "Sometimes we can't hold in our anger anymore..." She huffed. She picked up the blunt butter knife she was using to make a sandwich before she went crazy.  The anger seeped out her pores as she almost threateningly twirled the knife between her fingers. "What are you doing?" he asked. She laughed, again. He was getting sick of the laughing, he didn't see the humour in this act of insanity. "This friendship, it's broken..." she almost whispered. She stepped forward and he stepped back. She growled and swung the small knife. In one swift movement her forearm was pressed against his windpipe, and his back against the wall. He shut his eyes, expecting something; death, pain... anything. All he got was laboured breathing. He slowly peeled his eyes open, only to see her face in pain. He regained his composure, "sweetie, are you okay?" He pulled her arm of his throat. Her facial expression dropped and her arms wrapped themselves around his confused figure. "I'm so sorry," she sobbed.


She sat on the floor, picking up the broken pieces of glass that was scattered across the floor. He stood, watching, still confused about the scene that occured less than 15 minutes ago.


And then writers block laughs in my face; and I cry :'c 

hehe ^_^ Hope you enjoyed it x
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