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Lisa's hand gripped the stick holding up the corn dog, "thanks," she muttered to her mother. Her mother kept a tight-lipped smile and continued to focus her gaze forwards. The announcement sounded and the siren blared; the game of baseball begun.

It was Lisa's first time at a baseball game, her body fully focused on the game in front of her and it was also her first time eating a corn dog. Her family weren't from America, as you may have guessed.

The teens behind her waved flags and screamed their favourite teams name, along with some cursing.

A hand enclosed itself around Lisa's shoulder and panic immediately began to surface, "Hi!" a cheery young girl spoke. Lisa was shocked at this random incidence, but plastered a smile upon her own face, "Hi." The young girl beamed with more joy than she had ever seen. "My mum just went to the bathrooms and I don't know how to count money... she said I could get a drink..." The young girl trailed off as she pointed at the worker walking up and down the bleacher-looking-steps. "You looked like a nice person... so I... em..." the young girl mumbled and she began to realize what she was asking. "Oh sweetie, I'll help!" She generously offered lifting herself from the seat beside her mother. "Mum, I'll be back," her mum didn't look up but she nodded.

The crowd all stood at that point, cheering for the more popular team. The two girls made their way to the worker, holding a tray of drinks, asking people if they'd like anything. A hand gripped Lisa's mouth shut as the younger girl stepped to the side. Lisa's eyes darted around in fear as the hand seemed to be holding a cloth. Cliche, she though, chloroform. 

"See Daddy! Told you I could get her!" The young girl radiated happiness towards the figure responsible for the hand. Lisa's vision began to blur and her arms stuck out in a desperate attempt to try save herself. "Let's get out of here," a rough voice muttered from behind Lisa's drained figure.


I was bored and wanted to write a story, so I asked my boyfriend for a topic. He said 'Corndogs' so... here is my story with the topic of Corndogs. I'm not American, so the baseball game may have a few incorrect details x :)


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