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His freckles were luminescent but his refusal to step in front the lens ruined the opportunity to display his beauty. She had practiced her poses in front of him, she was a natural. Her strawberry hair reflected the natural light perfectly, her cheekbones and jawline; a perfect frame for her face. She smiled effortlessly, and he couldn't help but to smile back. She had been naked in front of him thousands of times. Emotionally. Physically. Spiritually. She was an open book in their relentless relationship. Her lips spoke only honest words, and his uttered the most caring phrases she had had the pleasure of listening to. Their coupling was exquisite, impeccable. The false light from the studio they stood in fell upon her tiny body, illuminating her powerful stance, her gorgeous eyes. She was dressed pleasantly. He dismissed the clothing that she wore, he appreciated her body, clothed and unclothed, wearing the least or most expensive clothing; she was... Her. His artwork, his picture of perfection. 

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