First Kiss

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Sitting against the bed's headboard, she turned to face him. "Hey," she muttered, in loss of any other words. "Hi," he mumbled back. They had met not too long ago, and began dating soon after. He was everything she imagined the perfect boy to be; and she hoped to the dear lord that she was good enough for him. He began to become fidgety; playing with his own hands. She could only hope for what would come next... He began to lean in, she freaked out on the inside. Would she be good? Would he? His eyes closed and hers soon fluttered shut in persuit. She sat still as he moved closer and closer. Is this what she had imagined for her first proper kiss to be like? Would this be his first kiss? For milliseconds his soft lips were pressed against hers, short and sweet; she thought to herself. She knew she was falling for him; quick and fast too, and the kiss just seemed to seal the package.  She knew she was stuck in her lovey dovey world for a while. This was everything and more that she had ever dreamed of. This was her knight in shining armour.

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