Just another push

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It was argument after argument. Her mother and father just kept picking at her. She stood there. Every word broke her a little more. She took it all. Straight faced. They kicked her down. "I don't love you," her mother had spat. "You're an embarrassment," she continued. Tears began to slither down this girls face. She hated her face. She hated her body. She hated everything about herself. Nothing anyone would say could save her from this mind set. She was striving to be pretty and skinny. She wasn't close; not in her own opinion. While all her thoughts piled up and overflowed in her mind; her parents barged on with more and more.

She ended up in her room. Tears drenched her clothing. Sobs echoed off the walls. She tried hard to breath evenly. She was shaking. She needed him. He wasn't here. Instead; she picked up her razor. The closest to 'happiness' she could find at the moment. She sliced and diced her skin. Only in places her parents couldn't see; that'd only create more arguments. Make it happen all over again. She sat there. Bleeding. Crying. She ran to the kitchen. Her parents where no where in sight. She grabbed as many packs of pills she could find. She slipped back to her room. Popped pill, after pill. One after another. Downing about 100 pills, some prescribed, some not. All dangerous. She couldn't stand now. Her cries silenced themselves. This was her dream; and it was becoming reality. This wasn't sending her to a hospital; she was going straight to the morgue.


A little bit of a mix up. A little sad. But anyways. Enjoy.


-Amy x

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