The Secret

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Another year 7 story I'm disappointed it~


As I watched the neighbour smile back, as he finished planting the last flower I realized, nothing felt different today, actually I felt great but I knew it was just another day marked off until the end.

Enjoying my last mouthful of toast, I placed my plate in the sink and headed outside,

“Where do you think you’re going?” Dad said as he kissed me on the forehead and squeezed me tight. After the big news, this has been my daily greeting. We both laughed, he loosened his grip and began to follow me outside, probably to finish his garage renovating. I sort of created a daily routine second thing, after breakfast, is sit under the large apple tree in our backyard and admire the lovely clear blue pond that also sat in our backyard. All my old friends from the school I used to attend always used to comment on our backyard saying that I was very fortunate to have a pond and a lovely garden that mum groomed daily. I don’t see why I sit there for so long but after all the comments, the horrible news and my terrible experience I guess I just have to appreciate it all a lot more.

I looked down at my glittery black watch. *Gasp*, wow I seem to have been sitting under the tree for over two hours; I have never sat there that long, I must’ve fallen asleep. I get up, I rush to the back door.

I stumble, I fall.

A shock of pain runs through my vulnerable body, I black out.

“Do you think she can hear us?” I hear mum mumble. “I can,” I reply but only a mousy whisper escapes my mouth. “She can, she can!” Dad chants along with Ella, my little sister. Mum chuckles subtly and grips my hand. “Dad,” I blurt out. “Is this related to the

…” I stumble over the word. “Probably love,” Dad sighs and I see him scratch his hand, a nervous thing he developed lately. I shut my eyes to get rid of the pain, it only gets worse. I scream and every one rushes in, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and of course all the patients stare at me. Mum looks at me with fear escaping her lovely blue eyes, “what is it? Bell, Bell, what’s wrong?” She panics but she knows exactly what is happening. A week before today I visited Doctor Kerri, once again and she explained that

I may blackout and have shocking pains run through my spine, she said that they will be the only main signs of my condition, apart from hair loss, after these signs it’s only a matter of time. Doctors and nurses started a whole new procedure I had never heard of, even after all my research. Mum cautiously watched the doctors and nurses every move.

I leaned into the bannister of the stairs trying to shake out all my thoughts, they just built up, I got cranky and headed towards my room as mum started to yell at me for hitting

Ella when I didn’t do anything to that little monster, I yelled back adding many swear words I have never said to mums face before and stomped into my room with some more cursing. My room was a mess, not on my behalf but the paint was peeling off the walls and the furniture was falling apart, I remembered about my thousands of little bottles of nail polish. I grabbed the large box out of my wardrobe knowing it carried my entire nail polish bottles. I got out all the dark colours first and started to paint a large art piece above my bed. I finally finished with all the dark colours after over an hour and got onto the light colours.

*Knock, knock*. Mum entered my room before I could say anything. “Love, I’m tru…,” she stumbled and viewed my room from all different angles, tipping her head to the left then the right and finally the shock left and she stormed out my room. I sat on my bed wondering what to do next. Mum shoved the door open and this time she had Ella and dad with her, but this time she had a different expression, one that isn’t often showed, she was smiling. Her face lit up as she pointed at all my nail polish art work. “When did you do all this, love?” “After mum cracked it at me,” I say angrily.

Crash, my head falls to the hard tiled kitchen floor, I hear mum scream, Ella’s feet patter along the floor, doors slam and the phone gets dialed quickly.

It’s the end and I know it, I try speak several times but my mouth doesn’t move and words don’t exit my tight mouth. I feel many kisses on my cold face, cries from mum and dad and Ella happily not realizing her big sister is dying from an unfortunate spinal cancer. I got diagnosed with cancer at the age of ten I now exit at the age of fourteen. I would never wish cancer upon anyone. With my last wish I wish that a cure can be found for this beast.

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