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Her hands clenched and un-clenched, staring at the page in front of her. The forming tears began to blur her vision, and as each salty drop fell to the page, the ink swelled and smudged about the white page. Her homework was important, she guessed it kind of shoved her true feelings behind mathematical equations and essays. Her throat dried out, she closed her books and pushed them aside, resting her head on her hands. Her sobs were quiet - quiet enough for the rest of the family not to hear, or to not care. Her homework was far from completed, but she saw no point in finishing homework that will never be handed in. Homework that no one will read. She had a valid argument in her essay, and all the correct answers so far in her maths work. Unlike her homework, her life never went her way, She didn't have the right answers, nor the right path - she had to leave it uncompleted, just like her homework. 


shitty story, shitty day. hehe sorry

-Amy x

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