I'm not too sure...

176 2 0

Every breath he breathed was shallow and unwanted,

her breath was delicate - creating a soft fog in front of her lips.

She couldn't fathom his 'perfection' but gosh, he couldn't fathom his flaws.

She was weak, but he made her strong -

but he was weak too, so, was that wrong?

They lied to themselves, but it made it more real.

Their lies masked the truth,

that they were so eager on hiding from.

Her every word had him captivated,

the same with him to her.

His fingers slammed every letter,

while her fingers barely touched the keys.

They were miles away,

much to their displease. 


This is my real first ever go at writing a poem. It's whole structure is a bit out of it, but this is kind of more intended to be Spoken Word Poetry (I'm super in love with it at the moment). I hope you enjoyed it and more may be coming, I really liked writing this because it's like a really short story and idk. ANYWHO

-A x

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