I miss you

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My arms slipped around the teddy bears abdomen. I didn't care how ridiculous I looked; I was lonely beyond compare. I pressed my face into the soft fur. trying to push my negative thoughts away. I knew you had only been away for a short while but it was too long. I sounded like an obsessed stalker but I was just concerned... I was just in love. A tear slipped out at the thought and I felt completely pathetic. I was crying, clinging to my childhood toy all because I missed some boy. Well, you weren't "some boy" per se. You were mine, I was yours. I loved you, and you loved me, right? But when you went away like this, I just - sometimes I doubted that you loved me, you know? Like, the first few days were fine, but after the second week; I was trying to find comfort in anything that even remotely offered it. 

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