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I sat in the science room next to my best friend. I didn't understand. I had packets and packets of pills on my table. I had one razor. I picked up the razor. I always wanted this, right? I started with my thighs, slice after slice; my school skirt could always cover that. The pain, it wasn't painful, it was relieving. I knew the end was near. I couldn't understand though; no one in the class noticed. Not even my best friend. I kept going. I started on my stomach next, continuing on to my lower legs. Blood soaked through my white schools uniform shirt. Blood was puddling on the floor. I was beginning to feel light headed; the dizziness was overwhelming. I kept going. My arms. They where covered in a matter of seconds. The pills; that'd finish me off. I tapped my best friend on the shoulder; I was going to say goodbye. She just stared blankly ahead, tapping her pen on the table, biting her lip. I figured no one cared. They never did; they don't even when I'm dying in front of their very eyes. I take thirty pills. I know I should be dead by now. I don't understand. I want it more than ever. I want death. I want it right now. I fell from my chair, screaming. I crawled to the far corned. A screamed, I sobbed; the tears became uncontrollable. I wasn't dying. I smashed my head against the wall. No one payed attention. That's when I stood up. I screamed the teachers name. As loud as my vocal chords would allow me. My teacher continued. Some stupid plant stuff. I hated science. I hated my teacher. He obviously hated me more. I continued screaming. He finished his sentence. Turned towards me, as calm as day, and sternly told me to complete my work. I didn't understand. What was going on. The razor disappeared. I finished the pills. No one heard me. I was invisible. More invisible than usual. I sat back at my desk and death seemed to finally grace me with some mercy, she took me away. I could still hear; but I was ninety nine percent sure I was dead. The class fell into a panic. Students screamed and cried. The teacher froze. He called an ambulance. I was carted away. Passing horrified, distraught, broken faces; the people that never cared less. My enemies, the people that hated me most, they where screaming, crying, breaking down completely. As I got into the ambulance my mother was there with a medic. She was talking through sobs. "This couldn't have been suicide. She loved herself. No one would've seen this coming," she claimed. My science teacher stood beside her "I didn't even know she was in my class today, I didn't see how she did that," he said, still in a state of shock.

They didn't notice. No one noticed. I was dead on the inside. No one cared.


About a year ago; this was a reoccurring dream of mine. I never understood it. Until I just wrote it down. I felt like no one cared. When you take a step back, or take a wrong move; you really see who's there for you. I just had to share this.



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