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The thick, hairy legs of the spider crept towards my agile body. My own legs began to slowly creep backwards; trying to avoid my upcoming destined future. The sound that echoed around seemed to be the noise from my blood pumping through my small body. I held my breath, and rubbed my hands together - I hated these situations, I never won. The spider's pace picked up, heading towards me. A breath filled its tiny lungs, and it seemed to almost double in size. The door in front of me opened, only showing my worst enemy - my own tiny lungs filled - fear coursing through my blood stream. A scream came from my enemy's mouth, a small one coming from my own mouth too. I looked around, my mind buzzing. From the corner of my eye, I saw the spider closing in on me. In one swift movement, I stuck my wings out, flying away from the spider - and towards the human. "Shoo fly," the woman began flailing her arms in every direction, sending me in a mess of my own, as I tumbled and buzzed into a sticky net of some form. It took mere seconds before I noticed - the spider had won again, I fell into his trap; quite literally.

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