Her birthday

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A bubbly young girl bounced around the kitchen table as her mother tried to calmer down; wide smiles spread over both their faces. Giggles bounced of the walls and the candle's flames danced. The young girls eyes were sparkling and so where the mothers. "Make a wish," the mother said as the child blew the candles out. The flames turned to a grey smoke and the laughter turned to anticipation for the cake to be cut. The sprinkles on the cake enticed the young child. The mothers mouth was watering just as much. "We'll just have little slices," said the mother. "But it's my birthday, I want a big slice," greed forming the words. The mother scowled and cut the cake. A huge slice for the child and a small sliver for the mother. The young girl stared in shock at her slice. "Isn't that too much?" She had asked. "You wanted lots, didn't you? You're going to get fat, not me," the mother said in a childish way.

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