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She ran to the airport "departures." This couldn't be happening. She jumped into her best friends strong arms. He casually held held her, in a tight hug. She sobbed and he quietly cried. It was time for them to move on. He was moving to the other side of the world, new school, new house, new friends. She had been friends with him for many years, he was her only friend. She'd be alone now. As he left her; with nothing but a hug, "goodbye," and a kiss on the forehead. She didn't want this to happen, she had had nightmares about this. This was the worst thing that could ever happen to her. She couldn't contain herself as his flight number got called over the speakers. She crumbled to the ground and he broke. He froze and broke down himself. They lay in a crumpled mess on the ground. Crying and hugging. The final call for his flight got announced and he reluctantly got up, and hand in hand they walked to the part where they'd never see each other for at least 10-15 years. He left, with a rushing plane escort beside him, hurrying him up as she lost all dignity on the airport floor, crying and screaming.

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